I tried to reproduce the crash. However, I was not able to do so. Could you please try to update to the latest Patch / Update? In the FEFLOW GUI (Graphical User Interface) please click on [b]Help[/b] and then on [b]About[/b]. Finally, please [b]Check for Updates[/b]. Assure you have administration rights on your computer.
If the crash still persists I suggest to contact the <a href="https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/support">FEFLOW Support</a>
If you intend to select the Edges manually you may use the option [b]Select Individual Mesh Items[/b] from the [b]Selection Toolbar[/b]. If you want to make the selection based on points (e.g. point shapefile) you need to use a snapping distance (e.g. 0.1 m) because of round off errors in the coordinates.
If I understood you correctly, you have a 2D Point Shapefile. Horizontally, these points spatially do not coincide with computational nodes of the mesh. Instead, these points are located within triangles. Based on this setting, you want to derive the Z-elevation at the locations of the Points stored within the Shapefile.
If this is true, you nmay develop a plugin (C/C++) or a script (Python) using the FEFLOW API (Application Programmers Interface). Use the following API function:
#include <ifm/document.h>
double IfmGetZValueAtXYSlice
IfmHandle pDoc,
double x,
double y,
int slc,
IfmBool *ine
Alternatively, you can easily do this task in GIS. Export the elevations of the Slice of interest into a Point Shapefile by right-clicking on Elevations in the Data Panel ==> Export Data. Load this file in GIS and generate a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network). After that, use your initial Point Shapefile (the one you did not exported from FEFLOW) and write/project the elevations from the TIN into the attribute table of the shapefile. The Toolbox function in ArcGIS is called [b]AddSurfaceInformation[/b]. Older ArcGIS versions also called this function [b]SurfaceSpot[/b].
As a last step in GIS you need to generate a 3D Shapefile based on the new column of the attribute table storing the Z-values.
Load the 3D Shapefile into the Maps Panel of FEFLOW. Right-click on that and choose Convert to – Location Set Points from the Context Menu. These Points are now listed in the Entities Panel as 3D Point Set. Activate this 3D Point Set and generate your field lines as usual.
As a general alternative you can simply start with the particle tracks from a Slice. In this way, you do not need GIS or the FEFLOW API.
Glad to hear you like the new meshing capabilities of FEFLOW 7.0. Is it possible to share the file with the <a href="https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/support">FEFLOW Support</a>? The Support can check what is not working.
FEFLOW provides a powerful method which supports you to elucidate where the error criteria is spatially violated. This method allows you to identify critical areas with ill-posed model settings.
You can plot the nodal based error norm by means of predefined distributions of the primary variables you are solving for. To activate the distribution, please go to the [b]Data Panel[/b] and [b]Add Predefined Distribution[/b] for the error norm of interest (e.g. [b]$error_norm[/b]):
As always, there are many ways to do that. I will outline one way. Please load your dac-file. After that, go to the [b]Data panel[/b] and right-click on [b]Hydraulic head[/b]. From the context menu, choose [b]Export Data[/b] - [b]All Timesteps[/b]. Now, you can decide between [b]All Nodes...[/b], [b]Current Slice[/b], [b]Current Slice Selection [/b] and [b]Current 3D Selection[/b]. I assume you want to export the heads calculated on specifric nodes of interest. In this case you can work with a selection.
After you exported the file, please load the fem-file you are interested in. Finally, you can make a [b]Parameter Link[/b] as usual. Please note that this workflow assumes that both models have the same mesh topology.
I am not sure whether or not I understood you correctly. Are you struggling to assign salinity input or does the numerical model oscillates which results into questionable computational findings?
If you use FEFLOW 6.0 and if you want to assign time-dependent material properties you have to use the old GUI. You may open the old GUI if you click on FEFLOW Classic in the Start menu. The Qt version (FEFLOW standard) does not allow the assignment of time-dependent material properties.
From the functionality point of View FEFLOW 6.0 can be considered as a transition state between the old (classical) GUI using MOTIF and a new GUI using Qt. At this time not all functionalities from the old GUI have been transferred to the new GUI. This is also the case for the assignment of time-dependent material properties as such as the groundwater recharge.
Did you assign Dirichlet BC's at these nodes? If you assign Dirichlet BC's you fix the hydraulic head. Accordingly, the hydraulic head values for the process variable are the same as the hydraulic head values you used for the BC.
From the model conceptualization point of view, contamination sources imposed as a process variable (e.g. Initial Condition) differs from contamination sources assigned as Boundary Conditions (BCs).
In the first case, the contamination source is initially assigned with a concentration. As soon as the simulation starts the initial concentration at this location mitigates triggered by several possible processes (e.g. advection, dispersion, diffusion, reaction etc.). In contrast, if you represent the contamination source by means of BCs (e.g. type Dirichlet) you a priori impose the contamination source for the duration you take into account. For this duration you assume a continuous replenishment of the contamination.
Apart from that, deactivating the contamination source by switching the contamination concentration of the Dirichlet BC to 0 mg/l (fresh water) is critical, because you inevitably introduce a wrong contamination gradient. Instead of switching the value to freshwater, I suggest to assign a [b]modulation function[/b] on the Dirichlet-mass BC. The values of the time series used for the modulation function are multiplied with the values of the boundary condition at each time step of the simulation. This can mainly serve for two purposes:
[li]Turning the BC on and off by using gaps in the modulation function[/li]
[li]Modifying the value of a BC by multiplication, e.g., for calibration purposes, seasonal distribution, distribution of a total value onto a number of nodes, ...[/li]
Modulation functions can be easily used to turn BCs on and off, and only one modulation function may turn on and off a large number of BCs with different values or different time series attached. As a multiplication with a 'NAN' (not a number) value used for gaps in time series also results in 'NAN', a gap in a modulation function leads to a deactivation of the BC within the corresponding time interval, just as a gap in the original time series applied to the BC would.