Are you using a fully-unstructured mesh (tetrahedrons)?
The License Server should respond. Could you please contact the FEFLOW Support? Thank you in advance.
Did you impose a reasonable radius for the field lines?
You need to assign Well BC's on Slice nodes rather than on Layers. Use the [b]Selection toolbar[/b] to create a nodal selection. After that double-click on [b]Well BC[/b] in the [b]Data panel[/b]. Enter the extraction/injection rate in the [b]Input field[/b] and click on [b]Assign[/b].
In general, there are two different approaches to represent faults and fractures within a numerical model. You may either use Discrete Features or you may fully discretize the geometry of the faults and fractures within the finite element mesh. Discrete Features are only applicable if the faults and fractures induce preferential pathways. If the faults and fractures are impervious, then you need to fully discretize them.
If you use FEFLOW 6.1 you need a selection of type [b]Slice Edges[/b], [b]Join Edges[/b], [b]Slice Faces[/b] or [b]Join Faces[/b]. You may access these types in the [b]Selection toolbar[/b]. After you selected the Edges or the Faces you need to go to the [b]Data panel[/b]. Right-click on [b]Discrete Features[/b] and choose the flow law of interest.
<a href="http://www.ars.usda.gov/News/docs.htm?docid=8953">ROSETTA</a> is a useful reference.
In FEFLOW, 7.0 the mesh is no longer generated from the [b]Mesh toolbar[/b]. All settings for the mesh generation process have been migrated from the Meshing toolbar to the [b]Mesh panel[/b].
Small time-step sizes by means of several orders of magnitude behind the decimal separator as predicted by the automatic predictor-corrector time-stepping scheme is an indication for numerical instabilities. A multitude of possible reasons exist. I suggest to contact the <a href="https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/support">FEFLOW Support</a>.
The IFM function [font=courier][color=blue]IfmEditProperties[/color][/font] provides a Qt dialog for IFM data without GUI programming. The dialog supports different data types (e.g. integers, doubles, enumerations, strings, path, time etc.) More detailed information are provided by the FEFLOW Help.
You may find a simple example in the FEFLOW SDK data: C:\Users\Public\Documents\WASY FEFLOW 6.2\sdk\ifm\samples\simul\ifm_prop