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  • Re: Problem with open loop systems

    If you intend to assign the temperature as a vertical thermal gradient then the plugin [i]SetGG[/i] may be useful.  Here is a short description:

    [b]Set an initial 3D temperature distribution[/b]
    As a prerequisite to work proberly two things have to be prepared before executing this IFM module:
    [li]At the first slice an intial temperature has to be set.[/li]
    [li]At the first slice a nodal reference distribution named "gg" has to be created and initialized with the value for the geothermal gradient which shall be used (typically 0.03 Kelvin per Meter). [/li]
    The IFM moduel is executed by clicking on it. Please contact the FEFLOW Support team in case you are interested in the plugin:
  • Re: vx vy export

    The export of dar-files has been indeed a bug. The bug has been already fixed. You may retrieve the fixed bug by means of the latest Patch 3. Please click on [b]Help[/b] and then on [b]About[/b]. Finally, please [b]Check for Updates[/b].

    Alternatively, we provide a plugin which allows you to export the different components of the velocity vector. The plugin is free of charge. Please contact the FEFLOW Support team in case you are interested in the plugin:
  • Re: Broken Feature: Join(s) between table and map in FEFLOW 7

    FEFLOW 7.0 should be able to complete the task. Could you please contact the FEFLOW Support? Thank you in advance.
  • Re: Consider competitive langmuir sorption with IFM-Plugin

    The formulation you indicated differs from the formulation implemented in FEFLOW. Unfortunately, IFM does not provide an option to introduce the formulation you are interested in. A possible alternative is the two-site equilibrium/kinetic sorption with degradation as described in
    <a href="">White Paper IV (Chapter 1.8.3 page 44)</a>
  • Re: Problem with open loop systems

    Yes, theoretically the aspect ratio could also play a role. However, aspect ratios with one or two orders of magnitude should be handled easily by FEFLOW. I suggest to systematically refine horizontally and vertically and explore the numerical output (e.g. temperatures). You could also try to take the Peclet number into account (Auxiliary Data in the Data panel)
  • Re: Online Map Database?

    Unfortunately, connections to online map databases are not supported by FEFLOW yet.
  • Re: Problem with open loop systems

    The problem is known. Usually, the inverse thermal affected zone may be attributed to the spatial discretization. I suggest to refine the model vertically.
  • Re: FEFLOW 6.2 p11 64 bit crashes while loading

    The FEFLOW Support will contact you.
  • Re: Feflow

    It seems the error is related with the license installation. You could contact the FEFLOW Support to get installation assistance:
  • Re: FEFLIOW 7.0 - Cannot find 'new functions for selection handling'

    The update of new API function documentation will be provided with the next patch. In the meanwhile please find the selection handling below:

      int        IfmGetNumberOfSelections(IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType);
      int        IfmGetSelectionCapacity (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType);
      int        IfmFindSelection (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, const char* pszSelName);
      int        IfmCreateSelection (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, const char* pszSelName);
      IfmResult  IfmDeleteSelection (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex);
      const char* IfmGetSelectionName (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex);
      int        IfmEnumSelectionItems (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex, int nStartPos);
      IfmBool    IfmSelectionItemIsSet (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex, int nItem);
      void      IfmSetSelectionItem (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex, int nItem);
      void      IfmClearSelectionItem (IfmDocument pDoc, IfmSEL_TYPE nSelType, int nSelIndex, int nItem);


    typedef enum IfmSEL_TYPE {        /* Selection types ... */
      IfmSEL_NODAL = 0,              /* Nodal selection */
      IfmSEL_ELEMENTAL = 1,                  /* Elemental selection */
      IfmSEL_INVALID = -1                    /* Invalid selection type */
    } IfmSEL_TYPE;

    [color=blue][font=courier]nSelIndex[/font][/color] represents the index of a selection. The indexing corresponds to the numbering of available selections stored within the Selection panel from top to bottom. [color=blue][font=courier]nItem[/font][/color] stands for the node index or the element index of the mesh depending whether you have a nodal selection or elemental selection. [color=blue][font=courier]pszSelName[/font][/color] is the name of the selection.