Do you run a transient model? If yes, does the time-step size increase or is the time-step size relatively small (e.g. < 0.1 d) ? You may check the time-step behavior in the Time-Step History. In the main menu, please click on [b]View[/b] and then on [b]Charts[/b]. After that, please open the [b]Time-Step History[/b].
Did you check whether or not you use a common spatial reference system? If yes, I suggest to contact the <a href="https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/support"> FEFLOW Support</a>.
Thank you for your comments. As you already indicated, FEFLOW does not provide a comma- or tab-delimited ASCII-based output or even an Excel-output of the subdomain budgets. Accordingly, intermediate processing is indeed required at the moment. An improvement of the subdomain budget output is on the FEFLOW wish list for further developments. Moreover, corresponding API functions for IFM development are also planned.
If you use FEFLOW 7.0 please go the Entities panel and activate [b]Layer 1[/b]. After that, double-click on the Kxx value in the Data panel. In this way you plot the Kxx-values on the entity [b]Layer 1[/b]. In a similar fashion, activate [b]Slice 1[/b] in the Entities panel and double-click on the map of interest in the Maps panel.
Please note that the Spatial Unit Panel available in FEFLOW 6.2 has been divided into two distinct categories in FEFLOW 7.0, the Entities panel and the Selections panel. If you use FEFLOW 6.2, you have to use the Spatial Units panel instead of the Entities Panel.
There was a small bug related with the callback [font=courier][color=blue]OnEditDocument[/color][/font]. The bug has been fixed. The FEFLOW Support will contact you to provide a hotfix.
There are several ways for the assignment of material properties to unstructured elements or layered-based elements. A nice workflow is indeed to use a Python csv-reader and assign the parameters based on available selections and its intrinsic items. Of course, you could also use selections stored in the Selection Panel of the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
The alphanumeric ordering is a generic option. I suggest to change the naming. For example, you could use the name [b]Layer01[/b] instead of [b]Layer1[/b].
At the moment you cannot use an entire selection as an input item. Instead, you have to loop through the items contained by a selection. The snippet below shows a simple example for the assignment of DirichletBC's based on nodal selections.
import sys, os
sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files\\DHI\\2016\\FEFLOW 7.0\\bin32')
import ifm, random
print "My current working directory: " + dir
print ""
def postTimeStep(doc):
for list_ele in item_list:
for node in list_ele:
if (node % 2 == 0):
FEM_FILE = dir+"\\..\\femdata\\exercise_fri13.fem"
DAC_FILE = dir+"\\..\\results\\exercise_fri13.dac"
print FEM_FILE
print DAC_FILE
print ""
doc = ifm.loadDocument(FEM_FILE)
for sel_counter in range(0,max_sel):
for node in range(0, max_nodes):
if doc.selectionItemIsSet(0, sel_counter, node)==1:
doc.startSimulator(DAC_FILE, 0)
except Exception as err:
print >> sys.stderr, 'Error: ' + str(err) + '!'
Changing the range of the color-scale in FEFLOW is probably not an option, because a specific head value at one location could be above the water table, while the same head value at another location could be below the water table.
The hydraulic head is indeed available above the water table, because you solve the head at each node. In my point of view it is worth to show the heads also above the water table.
However, if you only want to show the heads below the water table I suggest to hide it via a map. You could export the distribution of the pressure as a polygon shapefile. All polygons with a negative pressure represent the areas above the water table. In contrast, all polygons with a positive pressure represent the domains below the water table. You could use GIS to delete all polygons which are attributed with positive pressures. Finally, load the map containing polygons with negative pressure only in FEFLOW to hide areas above the water level.
You need to install the IFM SDK. Usually, you can install the IFM SDK while installing FEFLOW. If FEFLOW is already installed you can install the IFM SDK afterwards. If you use Windows OS, please go the Control Panel and then to Programs and Features. Right-click on your FEFLOW installation and choose change and modify the IFM SDK by activating.