Yes, you may load a shapefile with the Multilayer Well attributes. Use this file to make a parameter link as usual. The Friedrichshagen example nicely illustrates the workflow step by step.
If you are interested to represent the physics in both the aquifer and the river including their mutual coupling you use FEFLOW with MIKE21. An interface for the coupling is under current development.
If you are looking for a solution within FEFLOW you could try to use IFMLake. IfmLake is an IFM plug-in which allows integrating lakes within a FEFLOW model.
The plug-in calculates the development of water levels from internal fluxes (received or discharged by the lake from the groundwater model) and/or external fluxes (defined by the user).
The plug-in further changes the horizontal extent of the lakes depending on water level and surface elevation.
The plugin is for free. You may contact the FEFLOW Support to get the plugin or to get further information about the MIKE21 coupling.
<a href="https://www.mikepoweredbydhi.com/support">FEFLOW Support</a>.
One possibility is to export selections from the Selection panel and re-import them into another model. However, if the mesh topology of the other model is different I would expect that this method fail.
Alternatively, you can export a nodal process variable as a map (e.g. shapefile). Load the exported map into the other model and select spatially based on the map as usual.
Hi Adam,
I tried to compile the plugin ifm_prop using MS Visual Studio 10. It’s working.
The plugin we provide does not have a class myPlugin. Accordingly, I assume that your changes in the code is triggering this error message. I suggest, to successively check and compare our version and your modified version of the plugin.
If the time-dependent water level of the floodwave has been measured at different point-wise locations you may interpolate these curves between the locations of the measurements.
Yes, adopting the unconfined approach is indeed one possibility. The [b]Introductory Tutorial[/b] addresses this question.
Hi Christian, I used Sketchup the last months. I did not encounter any problems. I also used other file formats which can be used in both Sketchup and FEFLOW (e.g. 3DS). If I do not hear from you I assume the problem has been solved via support.
Did you use an appropriate error tolerance? The error is normalized by the maximum occurring value of the process variable(s) you are solving. For example, if you have quite low heads, the default error tolerance can be too strict.
If you have reasonable distributions of the process variable(s) and very low imbalances you could check whether or not a less restrictive error tolerance is sufficient.
Please note that the error distributions need to be activated in the pre-processor (before you start the simulation).
I fully agree with all suggestions by adacovsk. Depending on the problem you are solving you could try to switch to the fully implict [b]first-order accurate (FE/BE)[/b] predictor corrector scheme. You may find this setting in [b]Simulation - Time Control[/b] of the [b]Problem Class[/b].
Apart from these suggestions you could also spatially identify where the largest error occur. The spatial distribution of the error is available as a nodal distribution. Go to the [b]Data Panel[/b] and right-click on [b]User Data[/b]. Choose [b]Add Predefined Distribution[/b].
Depending on your Problem Class one or more of the following distributions are available:
[b]i[/b] stands for the speciesID in case multiple species are available.
After you spatially identified the largest error, you could check local settings at this site with regard to the settings mentioned by adacovsk.