Thanks, I was actually asking whether or not the imbalance is small enough? A large imbalance is an indication that the model is not converging.
Without having it tested from my side yet I assume it also works for 2D horizontal model.
Did you also check the budget? Is the groundwater recharge reasonable? Is the imbalance small enough? A large imbalance indicates that the model is not converging.
I assume that GIS projects one shapefile on the other shapefile, while FEFLOW simply plots the maps on its different native locations. Could you please try to plot each map separately in GIS and check the coordinates on the lower right hand side? I refer to the coordinates which are changing according to your mouse movement. I guess, the ranges of the coordinates are different. If this is the case, you need to transform the coordinate system. The coordinate system is usually stored in the *.prj-file. Please note that this file is not mandatory. If this file is not available and if you want to make a coordinate transformation you need to define the coordinate system to the input shapefile first.
Dear Erdimanni,
Welcome to our FEFLOW community. :)
You can make an elemental selection for the entire domain or for a subdomain of interest. You can use this selection to [b]Refine Elements[/b] or to [b]Derefine Elements[/b]. Both options are provided by the [b]Mesh toolbar[/b]. Please note that you cannot derefine a mesh if you did not refine it before. In this situation you need to generate the mesh again by adopting a smaller number of desired elements.
Best regards
If you are able to select the nodes along the trace of the line within a specific slice and if you want to select nodes with the same XY coordinates in the slice beneath I suggest to use the button [b]Copy Selection to Slices/Layers[/b] from the [b]Selection toolbar[/b].
The [b]Select by Expression[/b] editor is rather related with attribute selections. For me it seems you are interested in spatial selections. Please go to the [b]Maps[/b] panel and double-click on the line of the Supermesh. After that, please choose [b]Select by Map Line[/b] from [b]Selection[/b] toolbar. Enter a snapping distance of interest and click on the button [b]Select by All Map Geometries[/b]. If you are interested in selecting nodes which are aligned with the line you need to keep a small snapping distance, because of round-off errors (e.g. 0.1 m).
The finer the mesh the lower the Péclet number. As a very rough rule of thumb the literature often said that the grid Péclet number should not exceed a value of 2. From my experience, I do not always insist to satisfy a number smaller than 2. Other factors as such as the type of physical problem (e.g. linear non-linear), the degree of required accuracy, computational resources may also play a role in the mesh design. Anyway, the Péclet provides a useful quantitative measure on whether or not the mesh is fine enough for a transport model.
In principle, you can define a large number of power functions and assign them to boundary conditions. Then you may decide whether or not you want to interpolate.
Yes, I can confirm that I have been able to extrude. I assume we do something different. Did you contact the FEFLOW Support?