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  • Re: Separating Observation Points in different groups

    At the moment, the FEFLOW GUI does not provide such an option. Accordingly, you have to export the data manually and use an external software (e.g. Excel) to make the scatter plots based on different groups. Alternatively, you could use the FEFLOW API by writing a Python Script, which retrieves the heads calculated at observation points. You can use the API function [font=courier][color=blue]  doc.getFlowValueOfObsIdAtCurrentTime(obsID)[/color][/font] to retrieve heads from FEFLOW. If required, other API functions addressing available History Charts stored within a dac-file are also available. After you received the heads, you can generate an arbitrary number of group combinations. Plot corresponding graphs and save them as graphic files using external libraries (e.g. matplotlib).
  • Re: Negative Salinity for Seawater Intrusion Model and Instability Issues

    Model-specific settings involve all settings you adopt in the Problem Settings, the mesh, type of boundary conditions, contrasts in material properties etc. In fact, the settings are related to your individual model. There is no way to provide general guidelines. However, if you like you could contact the FEFLOW Support. The support can have a have a look on your model and provide suggestions on how to improve it. 
  • Re: Import geology from geological models softwares

    FEFLOW has the capability to import triangulated surfaces as a 3D Supermesh. The triangulated surfaces must represent the outer borders of the model domain and optionally internal surfaces which separates different units (e.g. physical rock properties).

    The following file formats are supported:
    [li]TetGen Surface Mesh Files (*.smesh)[/li]
    [li]Triange Mesh 3D files (*.mesh)[/li]
    [li]Autdesk 3DS files (*.3ds)[/li]
    [li]VTK Files (*.vtu)[/li]
    [li]Leapfrog Mesh Filesn  (*.ts)[/li]
    [li]GOCAD (*.ts)[/li]
    [li]GeoModeller (*.gmod)[/li]
    [li]Object File Format Mesh Files (*.off)[/li]
    [li]Object File Format Mesh Files (*.obj)[/li]
    [li]STL Mesh Files (*.stl)[/li]

    Please assure the geometry does not have any self-intersections. If you want to import one or more of these files please click on [b]New[/b] and follow these steps: [b]New => Fully unstructured 3D mesh => Supermesh import from maps => load the file(s)[/b]
  • Re: Inflowing Water to a Richards Eq. System

    If your model has a cross-sectional projection you may use NeumannBC's. As you already indicated correctly, NeumannBC's have the unit of a velocity. The amount of water entering the system is the integral along the element edges and a unit depth of one meter. You are also right by using a negative algebraic sign for the NeumannBC's if you want to have an inflow.
  • Re: Fepest License

    I assume you have one single-seat license and you try to open FePEST, while FEFLOW is running in the background. Could you please check it? If my assumption is true I suggest to close FEFLOW if you want to use FePEST. Both FEFLOW and FePEST require a license.

    If you want to post-process your model while FEFLOW is running, you can always use the FEFLOW Viewer. The Viewer does not need a license.
  • Re: Negative Salinity for Seawater Intrusion Model and Instability Issues

    There is no hard limit available to stop negative concentrations, because the amount and magnitude of negative concentrations depend on model specific settings.

    A short discussion in our forum is provided here:

    A more general, but interesting and critical discussion is provided by the White Paper II, Chapter 1. You may find this and other White Papers on the DHI website:
  • Re: Using selections in selection editor

    Thank you for your description.

    The easiest way is to design the the three different zones you show in your picture by three different polygons in your Supermesh rather than using a single polygon with two lines delineating the trace of the internal interfaces of between the zones. Use the Supermesh to generate your 2D FE-mesh. If you want to select geometrical items (e.g. nodes) which are located within a specific zone (e.g. you blue zone) I suggest to make a selection based on the polygon you are interested in.

    Go to the [b]Maps Panel[/b] and double click on Polygons. After that, please [b]Select by Map Polygon[/b] provided by the [b]Selection Panel[/b] and choose the geometrical item you are interested in. Assure a snapping distance of 0 m. Finally, you can select the nodes within the Slice View.
  • Re: Partially Mesh

    Yes, you can book-keep face selections if you re-mesh your model. Face-selections are stored in the [b]Selection Panel[/b]. You can drop the face selection of interest from the [b]Selection Panel[/b] to [b]Mesh Items[/b] in the [b]From Element Selection[/b] section of the [b]Meshing Panel[/b]. FEFLOW will consider these faces as 3D Add-ins.
  • Re: Partially Mesh

    If your model domain has only local discontinuities, you may use partially unstructured meshes. Re-mesh only parts of the domain which are characterized by discontinuities. If other spatial parts of the model domain have a layered geometry, then there is no need to re-mesh it. If you keep 3D prismatic elements for layered based geometries you still have the possibility to work within the Slice View.

    Of course, other geometrical settings of the mesh may have a different convergence behavior of the equation solver. As always, you need to assure a mesh with a good quality. Some quantitative indicators are provided within the Auxiliary Data section of the Data Panel.
  • Re: exporting vx and vy

    I am sure you will like the Python API.