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  • Re: FEFLOW EDU time series error

    I tried to reproduce your observation. I used a fem-file and tried to assign a time-series to the MLW in the MLW Editor. Before I clicked on assign, I assured to have an active Edge selection of the MLW. Please try to use the MLW Editor and assure you have an active Edge selection (no Join-Edge).
  • Re: Can i get ifm dll to import data from fracman to feflow 7.0? If it exists...

    If you want to use FEFLOW as a module I suggest to write a Python script. Here is one way how you can import FEFLOW as a module in your script:
    [font=courier][color=blue] sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files\\DHI\\2017\\FEFLOW 7.1\\bin64')
    import ifm

    In case you use FEFLOW 7.0 you have to use another path: [font=courier][color=blue] sys.path.append('C:\\Program Files\\DHI\\2016\\FEFLOW 7.0\\bin64') [/color][/font]
    The same is valid for FEFLOW 6.2: [font=courier][color=blue] sys.path.append('c:\\program files\\wasy\\feflow 6.2\\bin64')[/color][/font]

    Alternatevly, you may also work with environment variables.
  • Re: Time varying BC and pumping rates

    There are several ways to assign time-dependent pumping rates to Multilayer Wells (MLW's). The workflow you suggested is described in details by the Introductory tutorial:

    Of course, you do not need to make a parameter link. If you have a small number of MLW's you could assign the time-series manually using the MLW Editor.

    If you want to assign Head BC's along the river you could make a 1D interpolation along the trace of the river. The 1D linear interpolation is a method for interpolating linearly along line features provided by a map. It requires that in the Parameter Association dialog a line map is selected as Default Link Selection.
  • Re: Discrete Feature index

    Thanks for your feedback Eduardo. At the moment the workaround is indeed required. Improved IFM capability in DF handling is on our agenda.
  • Re: IfmUpdateDisplay

    Hi Adam,

    Good news. FEFLOW 7.1 has a new API function which allows you to record time-dependent parameters in a dac-file: [font=courier][color=blue]IfmEnableParamRecording()[/color][/font]. The FEFLOW help provides a table with parameters. Each parameter with a prefix [font=courier][color=blue]P_[/color][/font] is recordable. Accordingly, your parameter of interest is [font=courier][color=blue]P_ELEV[/color][/font]

    I think this is exactly what you are looking for.

  • Re: Discrete Feature index

    Which FEFLOW version are you using?
  • Re: IfmGetElementalRefDistrName Unhandled exception

    Thanks for the snippet. You need to declare the string for [font=courier][color=blue]myStr[/color][/font] without deleting.

    void CGuitest::gui(IfmDocument pDoc){
                if (num_ElementalRefDistr != 0){
                            char myStr[64] = {0};
                            IfmGetElementalRefDistrName(pDoc, 0, myStr);
                            string str(myStr);
                            QString str = QString::fromUtf8(myStr);

                            //delete myStr;

    In addition, you need to give a name for the variable [font=courier][color=blue]myStr[/color][/font] in your code. The name give should correpsond to the name of the distribution you see in the GUI (e.g. "Elemental Distribution 1").
  • Re: Ifm deactivating elements and the DAC file

    A snippet indicating the workflow for transient distributions via Python is provided here:
  • Re: Feflow Transient simulation troubleshoot

    Thank you for testing in different environments. A crash is a bug which needs to be fixed. May I kindly request you to contact the FEFLOW Support?
  • Re: General Head Boundary in Feflow

    The transfer rate Phi is a resistance coefficient and can be approximated by Phi=k/d. k represents the k-value and d stands for the thickness (lengths) of the resistance “layer”. Usually, the transfer rate describes the resistance of a colmation layer located between the surface water body (e.g. river) and the aquifer. If you delineate the model domain far away from the river instead of along the trace of the river, d may represent the distance from the river to the aquifer.

    If material data are available for this zone to parametrize your model it might be more accurate if you represent this zone in your model.