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Posted Tue, 16 May 2017 10:02:36 GMT by ane epelde
Hi everyone!

I´m new using Feflow.. and some doubts have appeared..

First, how can I set a time varying pumping rate to a multilayer well? I have read some documentation and I reached to the conclusion that I need to create a point in a shape file from the multilayer well in order to enable the "link parameters" option. And then, link the rate of the multilayer to a given .pow file. But I don't see how I can do it... Is this the right procedure?

Similarly, I´d like to establish Hydraulic Head BC in a boundary following a river which is quite close to the sea. Thus, I thought about setting a time varying HH-BC. How could I define this condition?

Thanks in advance!!
Posted Tue, 23 May 2017 07:30:25 GMT by Björn Kaiser
There are several ways to assign time-dependent pumping rates to Multilayer Wells (MLW's). The workflow you suggested is described in details by the Introductory tutorial:

Of course, you do not need to make a parameter link. If you have a small number of MLW's you could assign the time-series manually using the MLW Editor.

If you want to assign Head BC's along the river you could make a 1D interpolation along the trace of the river. The 1D linear interpolation is a method for interpolating linearly along line features provided by a map. It requires that in the Parameter Association dialog a line map is selected as Default Link Selection.
Posted Fri, 26 May 2017 06:25:18 GMT by ane epelde
Thank you Bjorn very much for replying.

I read the tutorial but it still seems a bit confussing to me. If I´m not wrong, the only difference between a well and a multilayer well is the source of the pumping, right? Which is, a given node in the case of the well, and every node of a vertical or whatever is selected from the multilayer well editor, right?

Then, in the case that I want to create a link via parameter association dialog, I need a map (a shape file) in which I manually input every parameter needed in feflow, right?
But, if I want to define the pumping rate manually, I do not see where I need to stablish the link to the .pow file.

* In the case of a [b]well[/b], I dont see where I can choose the time varying option, where is it?
* In the case of a [b]multilayer well[/b], I enter the MLW editor and clicking in the capacity box, it changes from constant to time varying symbol, but, where do I need to select the .pow file I have defined for the well?

Thanks again!
Posted Fri, 26 May 2017 08:17:34 GMT by Björn Kaiser
The difference between a Multilayer Well (MLW) and a WellBC is the fact that a MLW is composed of a 1D Discrete Feature (DF) + a WellBC. A DF is an element of lower dimension and highly permeable. A WellBC can be considered as a nodal source/sink term.

If you want to assign a time-series for a MLW please do the following steps. Double click on Multilayer Well in the Data Panel. After that, go to the Editor Toolbar and double-click on Multilayer Well. In the Editor Toolbar click on the symbol within the Capacity input field to switch from constant values to the time-series mode. After you switched to the time-series mode you can use the drop down menu to select a time-series of interest. The time-series shown in the drop-down menu represent exactly the time-series strored within the time-series Editor.
Posted Fri, 26 May 2017 09:31:08 GMT by ane epelde
I see..Thanks!!
The problem is that I wasnt loading the time series first.. After loading them, of course they appear in the drop-down menu :)

In this context, I´m getting an error when I try to stablish MLW properties that sometimes appear, sometimes dont..and I dont get to understand where it comes from.
It says Verify assigment-Invalid Data. At least one node belongs to at least two multi-layer Wells.

But, int fact, I´m just selecting one node.. Any suggestion, please?

Thank you,
Posted Fri, 26 May 2017 09:55:42 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Please assure you have an Edge selection active without any other BC imposed on the node connected with the edge.
Posted Fri, 26 May 2017 10:08:50 GMT by ane epelde
Thank you very much Bjorn! The selected edge doesnt have any other BC. In fact, this error appear when I try to change the time serie, but if I delete the MLW and I load the serie I need, there is no error message. So, this solved!

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