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  • Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration

    No, there is no example. Such a scripts needs also more general thoughts with regard to the applicability of different geometrical settings.
  • Re: Multilayer well radius effect on simulated results

    I suggest to assign the different radii by making a parameter link:
  • Re: Graphics problem in 7.1 using meshes from 7.0?

  • Re: Graphics problem in 7.1 using meshes from 7.0?

    I assume the problem is related with the graphic card or with the driver for the graphic card. Could you please try to update the driver for the graphic card and reproduce the problem? If the problem still persist after updating the driver, I suggest to contact the FEFLOW Support.
  • Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration

    Yes you are right, the function Copy/Selection to Slices/Layers does not exist, because Slices/Layers do not exist in unstructured environments. Accordingly, the GUI does not provide a general solution for that. In you case, all "layers" have the same lateral extend. For this particular case I could imagine developing a solution using the FEFLOW Python API combined with a GIS API (arcpy, PYQGIS). Is script development an option for you?
  • Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts

    Thanks Josch
  • Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration

    This function is part of the Selection toolbar. If you count the items from the right to the left, it is the third icon. The first icon is the redo option, the second icon is the undo option and the third button is the Copy/Selection to Slices/Layers. The button shows two blue stacked slices and an arrow as a half circle pointing to the lower slice.

    The button is only available if (a) layered-based geometries are available (e.g. 3D prismatic elements), (b) a selection of geometrical items is available in the Slice View.
  • Re: Horizontal well for water infiltration

    You can use the Multilayer Well BC (MLW). If you work with unstructured meshes the MLWmay have an arbitrary shape. You can also the MLW within a slice. The best way for the assignment of time-series depends on the number of time-series you want to impose. One or only a few time-series can be assigned manually. If you have more, I suggest to make a parameter link as described in the Introductory Tutorial: FEFLOW Introductory Tutorial:
  • Re: Importing Elevation Data with Pinchouts

    Pinchouts are not represented by NAN. Instead, you have to use always the attributed Z-elevations from the point shapefile. Pinchouts arise in those locations where two or more spots of slices spatially intersect. If you link your Z-values from the shapefile to the elevations in FEFLOW via a Parameter Link it will not work. Instead, you have to transfer the elevations to the slice using the 3D Layer configurator. You may simply drag & drop the shapefile from the Maps Panel to the Slice of interest in the 3D Layer Configurator. After you transfered all elevations you have to confirm by clicking on the OK button. If intersections are present, FEFLOW will ask you how you want to treat them. You have the following options:
    [li]Enforce a minimum distance between slices[/li]
    [li]Remesh the pinched and invalud elements[/li]
    [li]Remesh the complete layer(s) containing pinhced elements[/li]
    [li]Remesh the complete meshs[/li]
  • Re: Problem when trying to prepare a pit geometry

    I think, I did not fully understand your question. However, please find some notes which may help you:

    1. If you import a geological model as a 3D Supermesh, FEFLOW by default does not save the 3D Supermesh. This is related to the fact that 3D Supermeshes may significantly increase the size of the fem-file. If you wish to save the 3D Supermesh in the fem-file you need to adjust it in the [b]Problem Class => File I/O Settings => Check Save superlement mesh in FEM file[/b].

    2. If you have point input data the parameter Association dialogue must provide you the option to choose a regionalization (interpolation) method. Of course, if you use polygons as input data, FEFLOW does not provide you interpolation methods.