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  • Re: Batched budget export

    The command line mode of FEFLOW provides several flags for different command line options. API functions (Application programmers Interface) such as retrieving the budgets are not included.

    A simple and powerful alternative is provided by the FEFLOW API. You may either write a script (Python) or a plugin (C/C++). Is it an option for you? If yes, please let me know if you are interested in retrieving the budgets by looping through nodes or if you are interested in accessing the Budget-History Charts?

  • Re: Unstructured Mesh - Confined vs Unconfined?

    Yes, that's correct. You need to impose confined conditions or solving for Richards (unsaturated flow) if you use partially or fully-unstructured meshes.
  • Re: Dummies Guide to Min/Max Mass Flow Constraints?

    Mass nodal sink/source BC can be also considered as a "Well condition" for the mass species. However, I agree that using the name Well condition might be a bit misleading in this context.  The help manual refers to a Mass nodal sink/source BC which is the complementary form of the Mass-concentration BC.
  • Re: problem with mesh generator

    Welcome to FEFLOW, Novice.

    I attached a snapshot for indicating the location of the [b]Polygon Target Size[/b] and [b]Proposed elements[/b].
  • Re: Using 2D Point Shapefile as Starting Particle Locations

    Particle-tracking techniques start at mesh nodes. Accordingly, you need to use a nodal selection. If the locations of the point shapefile do not coincide with mesh nodes you can simply use a snapping distance.
  • Re: 2D Unconfined Aquifer Modelling

    In a 3D model with uncofined conditions, you have the option of using a simplified approach to represent the unsaturated zone (e.g. phreatic). This option is not provided in 2D vertical models. In 2D vertical models you may either solve the saturated Darcy equation or Richards. If you have an unsaturated zone, then Richard seems to me the better option.
  • Re: 2D Unconfined Aquifer Modelling

    For me it seems solving the Richards equation is the way to go.
  • Re: Bug with IfmFindNodeAtXYZ

    Thanks for the note. You are right, there is a bug. We fixed the bug today. The bug fix will be part of the next Update. Please contact the FEFLOW support if you need a faster fix.
  • Re: convert 2D geometry to 3D

    You can use the 3D Layer Configurator to enter the third dimension. In the main menu, please click on [b]Edit[/b] and then on [b]3D Layer Configuration...[/b]. In the upper left corner, there are buttons to insert slice(s) above and below with a user defined dictance.

    Please note that FEFLOW is not designed to simulate different miscible / immiscible fluids. FEFLOW can be applied as long as the system can be represented with a single fluid and one or more chemical species whose drivers are advection, diffusion, dispersion and optionally also convection.

  • Re: Using DFEs in axisymmetric projection

    Why you want to use Discrete Features (DF's) in an axisymmetric projection?

    You could also use a Neumann BC and calculate the corresponding q value according to the pumping rate Q, filter section B, radius R (see attachment).