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  • Re: Feflow modules for Check dams

    It depends on what you want to simulate. If you are interested in coupling surface water hydraulics including hydraulic structures you may couple MIKE11 / MIKE 21 with FEFLOW. If you are solely interested in solving governing flow equations in porous media (e.g. Darcy, Richard), then FEFLOW can be considered as a standalone tool.
  • Re: Re-meshing

    There are several ways available. The most suitable way depends on the available data. If your wells are available 3D map points you can drag & drop the map file from the Maps Panel to the Meshing panel. Accordingly, you constraint TetGen to locae computational points at this poistion. Furthermore, you have to tell TetGen which domain you want to re-mesh. The domain is given by an elemental selection. In a similar fashion, you have to drag & drop the elemental selection from the Selection panel to the Meshing panel. Please assure that the elemental selection must completly encapsulate the points.
  • Re: Re-meshing

    What do you mean with methodology for doing so? Do you refer to the working steps within the Graphical User Interface (GUI)?
  • Re: multilayer well..please help me

    If you have a 3D model, then the flux you assigned as a Neumann type BC will be integrated over the faces as you correctly pointed out. In this regard, please note that "saturated faces" are used if you do not use the integral BC. Please also note that the algebraic sign is negative for inflow and positive for outflow respectevly.

    The flux derived with CauchyBC's is given by q = -Phi(href-h). href is the value you assign for the groundwater level (e.g. 40 m) and Phi is a resistance linearly influencing the flux. If the inflow is to low you could check the values you assigned for Phi (e.g. in-transfer rates).
  • Re: multilayer well..please help me

    I assume you select the edges based on map points. Did you integrate all these points in the finite element mesh? Did you choose a snapping distance which is able to capture all edges of interest?
  • Re: seting up network license on AWS

    A manual does not exist, but the workflow should be straight forward. The best and simplest option is to use an internet license outside of AWS provided by DHI. Then the AWS instances can retrieve the license of the DHI server.
  • Re: Checking BHE outflow temperature

    You could check the BHE inlet/outlet temperatures. Go to [b]View[/b] and then to [b]Charts[/b]. Finally, activate [b]BHE Inlet/Outlet Temperatures[/b].
  • Re: Ideal solver for BHE

    You could try the parallel direct solver PARDISO.
  • Re: Problem with FEFLOW 7.1 IFM template

    Which OS are you using and do you use 32 or 64 bit?
  • Re: Documentation for 7.1 ASCII FEM file formats

    Here you go Eduardo: