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Posted Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:54:15 GMT by Aldomar Aguirre Ing. Geologo / Hidrogoelogo
Hi, I am working in a model about 700 wells. I can link to parameter without problems in multilayer wells but when selecting the map and I click the options, only appear 200 wells aproximately. What is the wrong? the topography, quotas. Previously, I extract the z of the raster. 
Posted Fri, 18 Aug 2017 06:47:48 GMT by Björn Kaiser
I assume you select the edges based on map points. Did you integrate all these points in the finite element mesh? Did you choose a snapping distance which is able to capture all edges of interest?
Posted Fri, 18 Aug 2017 14:54:37 GMT by Aldomar Aguirre Ing. Geologo / Hidrogoelogo
I integrated the points in the mesh and I changed the snapping, It was in 0 and I saw the video that it has a snapping of 0.01. With this data I could to obtain 690 well, its not bad, thank you

By other hand I have poblem with boundary conditions (neumann and cauchy). With Neumann I want to inflow water to my model by a lateral face. I know the flow (1.992 m3/s) and I have te result of -0.6 m/d (I work with a section and I obtain my area). This result its to big in L/s when I see the balance. What considerations would have I have for this boundary conditions?

About Cauchy I want to inflow water about 40 m, but it is too little. Please help me to resolv this incognit. Thank You 
Posted Mon, 21 Aug 2017 13:45:40 GMT by Björn Kaiser
If you have a 3D model, then the flux you assigned as a Neumann type BC will be integrated over the faces as you correctly pointed out. In this regard, please note that "saturated faces" are used if you do not use the integral BC. Please also note that the algebraic sign is negative for inflow and positive for outflow respectevly.

The flux derived with CauchyBC's is given by q = -Phi(href-h). href is the value you assign for the groundwater level (e.g. 40 m) and Phi is a resistance linearly influencing the flux. If the inflow is to low you could check the values you assigned for Phi (e.g. in-transfer rates).

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