Hello everyone,

I'm quite new on using Mike Urban and I didn't found any topic on the following matter :

I'm willing to create a model for an open channel, for which I'm using the "natural channel" shape and the topography editor.
In the manual (p.66), they say you can define a channel using at least 2 cross sections (CRS), with a "chainage" (position) for each CRS.  Then MOUSE is supposed to "interpolate" between each CRS.
In my case, it only seems to interpolate the bottom level of the channel, according to the longitudinal profiles. Apart from that parameter, the channel between each CRS seem to be constant (same height, same width), only abruptly changing when at the next "chainage" value.

So my questions are :
- is the interpolation effective although not seen on the profiles ?
- what are the interpolated channel parameters ? If it's a U-shape channel, can it interpolate height or width variations ?

Thanks in advance for your replies.
