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  • RE: How can I change the default value 1 to 100 times to overcome this error in MIKE+?

    I am trying to edit it in the "Simulation Tab"  in "MIKE 1D engine configuration", but it is not accepting. May I know the procedure how to configure it. HD Global gets highlighted in red. I am using a student thesis license, is it because of that ? that I am unable to configure it? Please help
  • RE: Error: (HD_ERR_WLAboveMaxOnXS)

    I have the similar errors when running my HD simulation as well. I need to do the flood inundation studies by coupling it to the 2D domain. It doesn't make sense for the model to stop running even in the event of flooding of the cross section.  May I know how do configure the options in " MIKE 1D engine configuration" window? I tried to modify it in the "Predefined options" but the fonts gets red and it doesn't modify. If I need to modify in the "Custom options" then please let me know what to write in the "Option Name" "m_CustoConfig.Name". It isn't helping. Please help