element selection convert to node selection
andreas fach
5 |
Thermal conductivity from EGRT test in Feflow
Gabriele Galassi
0 |
2D axisymmetric Problem with DFE
Max Ohagen
0 |
Saltwater intrusion in FEFLOW
Konstantina Bourazani
0 |
IFM plugin for time-dependent hydraulic head boundary condition
salman sharifazari
4 |
Unusual temperature effects in ATES-simulations
0 |
Example for the 'VaryingSaltwaterHead' plugin
3 |
MapFormats - Microsoft Data Formats (grayed out)
1 |
Observation point data export
1 |
average inlet/ outlet temperature calculation of several BHE's
0 |
Evaluate Solvers and Thread Number Setting for Numerical Performance
0 |
Calculation for Error norm for specific location near BHE
0 |
Limited using 1 CPU out of 2 available.
0 |
3D Layer configurator not allowing new slices
3 |
Assessment of mesh quality for fully unstructured 3D mesh generated with Geode
Dominik Schindler
0 |
Irregular elevations
0 |
Cannot use OpenLoop plugin
Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes
3 |
BHE Dataset with Python ifm module
2 |
Visualizing water Table in Phreatic Mode
Laryee Sannor
0 |
Hydraulic Head BC and Subdomain Boundary Period Budget
1 |