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Posted Wed, 04 Sep 2024 14:00:10 GMT by Dominik Schindler
Hi all, I am trying to model a deviated deep borehole heat exchanger using the mesh generator Geode. I am wondering how I can assess the quality of the 3D unstructured mesh. And wether I can account for the ideal element size close to the BHE nodes as in the 2D layered approach. Best regards Dominik  
Posted Sat, 14 Sep 2024 16:18:13 GMT by Dominik Schindler
I can generate a mesh with Geode without any problems, but if I change the "Global edge size at polyline" setting to match the ideal element size depending on my borehole radius, I suddenly get the error "self intersection was detected" . I have not changed anything else. What could be the problem? The problem does not occur when I mesh only the borepath and the bonding box (without the geological layers as surfaces in the supermesh).

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