• RE: Unknown error feflow version 8.002 by generate mesh whether 2D or 3D

    Hi Anne, I think you have a license problem. Can you please check under Tools - License and verify whether there is an available FEFLOW license? In the case, you would like to use Geode-FEFLOW Tools, you would also need a FEFLOW Advanced license? Best regards Carlos Rivera
  • RE: assignment of gaps in time series through IFM

    Hi Adam, Internally a GAP in a time series is represented as Not A Number (NaN). I recall I have done this task using the FEFLOW - Python interface. To represent a NaN, I used np.nan, where np stands for the NumPy Python package. Then it is simply a matter to insert the new pair (time, value) to the specific time series. See documentation below: https://dhi.github.io/ifm/api_doc.html?highlight=power#ifm.FeflowDoc.powerSetPoint Cheers Carlos
  • RE: Export hydraulic heads to a raster file for GIS

    Hola Constanza, Since FEFLOW does not calculate at a raster manner, you cannot really export a raster. Literally, you have everything at each node/element for the entire model domain. If you really want to create a raster, then I would recommend you to export each node from the slice view and postprocess it elsewhere. Saludos Carlos

    Hola Daniel, If you really work with the XML file exported from the selections, they contain the nodal/elemental IDs. Therefore, this will always select the same exported selection. But if you export the selections as geometry, e.g. export heads at the nodal selection as SHP file, then you can import the SHP in the Maps panel. This process will allow to select at any target slice by using the tools Select by Map Point/Line/Polygon. Saludos Carlos
  • RE: Modulation function for Multilayer wells

    Hi András, Unfortunately, Multilayer Wells do not support Modulation Function. As you say, you can turn off the boundary condition, but the "pipe" is still visible.  At the time of pumping turns off, you could see a rise of the water table along the pipe. But isn't it analogue to what we expect to see in the reality? Best regards Carlos
  • RE: Issue Exporting Time Series Data with piChem Plugin

    Hi Murugan, The solutions depends on how the data has been stored in the DAC file. If you set Observation Points before the simulation starts, then FEFLOW will create Mass Species for all the major ions defined in the PHREEQC files. Then you will get the typical charts, where each concentration breakthrough is exportable via right-click on the chart. If you decide to only save the results using PHREEQC output keys defined in the text files, FEFLOW will create nodal distributions with those values. You have all the information per each FEFLOW node and time step. The only workaround to create time-series is via Python, where you write your own scrip to go through the steps in DAC file, get the nodal values and export them. Cheers Carlos
  • RE: River data

    Hi Mohamad You would require to store the river water levels as FEFLOW Time Series. If you have the river network as a polyline shapefile (or similar), you can use the option "Link to Parameter" (context menu of a selected map) to carry out a linear interpolation along the river lines and using the points with the river level time series. Take a look on this description: https://download.feflow.com/html/help81/feflow/09_Parameters/1D_interpolation.html If you have a valid support agreement, please reach out FEFLOW support team (mike.de@dhigroup.com). Cheers Carlos
  • RE: Strange temperature effects in simple ATES-simulation

    Yes, with the latest FEFLOW 8.1, we strongly do not recommend to use the Open-Loop plug-in. The full functionality is implemented in the GUI. This will also warranty a robust model performance. Cheers Carlos
  • RE: Observation wells

    Hi Lydia, what is exactly the problem with the observation points import? Can you be more specific? I would strongly recommend to look and download the Introductory Tutorial. There we demonstrate the insertion of observation points in multiple FEFLOW slices. Carlos
  • RE: Does ifm have the capability to draw simulation results from fem/dac files?

    If you see that the script has a line "import ifm_contrib as ifm", this means that it is not really using the standard IFM functionality. The script contains a layer above named "contribution", which is a community extension. FEFLOW standard IFM will give you all the arrays of results. These can be subsequently used by any graphical Python packages for visualization and/or plotting such as Matplotlib, PyVista, etc. You may want to visit our free self-paced course about FEFLOW Python integration. I have few official examples how to plot FEFLOW's results with Matplotlib. The link is below https://www.theacademybydhi.com/course-sessions/feflow---getting-started-with-feflow-python-interface-11600061-149