• RE: Support of Python 3.10?

    Yes, we have recently finished an extension to support Python 3.10 in FEFLOW. However, this will be available only in the next release (Nov. 2022).

  • RE: Thermal instability (geothermal wells applied)

    Hi Maria,
    The problem you are describing may be related to the combination of flow and heat transport boundary conditions. Can you check whether the rate budget means sense (or fulfill your expectations) in terms of the Fluid-Flux boundary? FEFLOW uses a backward approach for the budget calculation, i.e. it uses the resulting primary solution (head, concentration and temperature) to compute the fluid, mass and heat rate budgets. That means that sometimes what you set (e.g. Fluid-Flux BC) is not always what you get. Finer the mesh discretization is, better these two numbers are approaching to each other.

  • Re: "Patchy" conductivity field calibrated with FePEST

    Hi Davide,

    You do not need to wait until the end of the optimisation to see the results. Even before you start the run, you can go to Edit -> Save Parameters in FEM. This will trigger the interpolation using the settings behind the Parameter Definitions, so you can check whether the resulting interpolation fulfil your expectations.
    The "patchy" distribution is either attributed to the given range in the variogram, the number of pilot points and/or a combination of these two. If I were you, I would simply increase the number of pilot points (as a test by a factor of 2) and check the results. As a way to debug, FePEST writes in the GUI the average pilot point separation, which should go in accordance with the variogram range.
  • Re: How to create Cross-Section view in 3D Unstructured Meshes

    Alternatively, you can import the polylines from any external file (e.g., a Shapefile) and then do a right-click on the file name. Here FEFLOW will offer you an option to convert to Location Sets.
  • Re: FEPEST running simultaneously with FEFLOW

    Hi Maria,
    Everything depends on the license model you have. FEFLOW Professional and Subscription license allows multiple model runs (operations) with the same model (mesh and problem settings). For example, if you operate with the very same FEM file linked to the FePEST project, this should be possible with the licensing options mentioned. Also, any change you do to the FEM problem, this will not be immediately reflected in the FePEST project.

  • Re: Where to define density of solid phase

    The density values are implicitly given through the volumetric heat capacity rho_s * c_s. Specific heat capacity has units of J⋅kg[sup]−1[/sup]⋅K[sup]−1[/sup]. The FEFLOW parameter is in J m-3 K-1. The factor is exactly the density (kg/m3).


  • Re: Open pit inflow rate

    DHI will be offering a full FEFLOW training course for modelling open-cast mines. Full details are available in our website:
  • Re: Daily timestep recharge

    Yes, FEFLOW Expression Editor will apply the TS function and expression to all the elements. You can easily create IF -THEN statements for cases, where you need to restrict this operation.
    The recent FEFLOW versions supports the use of Python function to a set of material properties. You can store a Python function in the Scripting menu in the FEFLOW 7.5 GUI. After right-clicking In/Out flow on/top bottom (context menu), you will see the possibility to connect the function with the material.
    Definitively, you have a much higher degree of flexibility with Python compared to MATHED methods.

  • Re: Daily timestep recharge

    You can link the parameter source/sink or in/out-flow on top/bottom to a mathematical expression (or Python function). The expression will be evaluated before the time step execution, so you can basically modify anything as you want, e.g. using elemental user distributions with potential recharge factors.
    There are different ways to introduce the temporal data in FEFLOW, I will recommend you to take a look on http://www.feflow.info/html/help75/feflow/09_Parameters/Material_Properties/time_varying_materials.html

    Cheers, Carlos
  • Re: Error activating Hydrodynamics FEFLOW 7.5

    Through the FEFLOW installation you are requested to install a new section called "Plugins". Could you please make sure whether this has been activated during installation?
    If the problem persists, we will be glad to assist you through the official support channel (mike.de@dhigroup.com)

    Cheers, Carlos