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Posted Wed, 20 Jul 2022 08:23:52 GMT by Ander Alba
Hi Everyone!

I´m having a problem with adding a MDT file to Feflow 7.0. My intention is to create a 3D model with geographical relief adding a georeferenced MDT map because I don´t have an "elevations.xlsx" file to choose the option "Link to parameter". So, I was thinking that should be an option which permits us to interpolate all the coordinates of our QGIS MDT map with the nodes of the meshing, Thus, achieve our 3D model with relief. 

¿Do you know how can i do it? Enter all the coordinates manually is not an option :)

Thank you very much!

Posted Tue, 09 Aug 2022 09:44:08 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Hi Ander,<br> You are not forced to work with only excel files. FEFLOW has a variety of file formats in 2D/3D and support several industry file formats. The most popular formats within the users are&nbsp;Shapefiles and text files (*.dat). The data is interpolated at each of the FEFLOW nodes, for this operation the user requires a vector file rather than a raster.<br> <br> Our technical support can give you some hints about this. You can reach them at<br> <br> Cheers<br> Carlos<br> <br> &nbsp;

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