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  • Re: Compilers

    Dear Heermann,

    I am reactivating this post since we have the similar questions from other users. You can use any python script during the FePEST run for the parameter estimation. Once you create all your PEST files within FePEST, you will see a set of several batch files are also created. There is one in specific named "run_model.bat", where you can place your script line, e.g. python The script can run either before or after the FEFLOW run. It is mandatory the script is named with "_" at the beginning to avoid PEST/FePEST deleting the file in between consecutive iterations.

  • Re: Coupling Feflow and Phreeqc

    Dear Rapheul,

    Indeed, there has been a big progress in this topic. We have released last year the official plug-in to couple FEFLOW and PHREEQC. You can find the information under the Groundwater and Porous Media tool section in our website:

    Best regards,
  • Re: FEFLIOW 7.0 - Cannot find 'new functions for selection handling'


    In addition, you can always get the list of complete functions from the documentp.h, which is included automatically in each IFM project. You can also see when each function was implemented.

  • Re: Using MS Visual Studio Community 2015 for IFM Plug-In


    Unfortunately, this is a bug in FEFLOW 7.0. You can easily continue your work with the following steps:

    1) Open the properties of the plug-in project.
    2) Go to COMMON Properties
    3) You will see that there is a link still related to FEFLOW 6.2. Remove this link.
    4) Add the new link now with FEFLOW 7.0. Typically this is located under "C:\Users\Public\Documents\DHI FEFLOW 7.0\sdk\ifm\lib". You just need to take the right version of your Microsoft Visual Studio and include file "ifm.vcxproj".
    5) Clean solution and rebuild everything again.

  • Re: Feflow 7 - unable to assign discrete features + multilayer wells using "edges"

    This is a bug in FEFLOW 7.0. Please download patch 1, which already includes this correction.
  • Re: FePEST: Calibrate a model using spring hydrograph

    Hi Karanka,

    This feature is not a plug-in. You will find it directly in the Parameter Estimation software (FePEST interface). If you attach a FEFLOW FEM file to FePEST, where the option "Budget Charting Mode" is active for a a nodal selection, you would be able to create an observation definition for the calibration based on the Rate/Period budget information. Here also you can import a POW file with the times and budget information.

  • Re: FePEST: Calibrate a model using hydrograph springs

    Hi Karanka,

    I would like to re-open this forum post. [u][i][b]Correction[/b][/i][/u]: Since FEFLOW 6.2 (p8), you have access to the full budget (rate or period). In FePEST we have shortly implemented a new feature, where you can provide a time series (*.pow file) to be used directly for the model calibration.

  • Re: using results

    Hi Sam,
    After the steady-state simulation finishes, simply click on the save (or save as) button. The saved model will contain the steady-state heads.
  • Re: FePEST: Calibrate a model using hydrograph springs

    Dear Karanka,
    Unfortunately, such as plug-in does not exist. If you have some experience with programming in C++, the plug-in would not be a big deal...
  • Re: FePEST: Calibrate a model using hydrograph springs

    Hi Karanka,

    First in FEFLOW, you would need to activate the budget history charting mode in a selection with the spring nodes. Then FePEST can recognize the budget activation and provide the option of creating an "Observation Definition" based on a rate-budget value. At the moment FePEST only supports the budget at the end of the model run or the difference (final - initial). As a first estimate, you may use this option.
    You can implement a complete budget calibration via IFM programming. If you have a plug-in, which is able to retrieve the budget fluxes at specific time steps and write them down in a file named ifm.fpo (two-columns format: Obs. Name, Value), then FePEST can read this information and use it for the model calibration. In FePEST, you would need to setup a so-called [color=blue][i][b]IFM-Implemented Observation Definition[/b][/i][/color] with the same number of observations and names.
