• RE: PETSc guidance?

    Hi Assaf,<br> Indeed, PETSc may be much more commonly used in Linux OS, but the operation in Windows is also supported (see <a href="https://petsc.org/main/install/windows/">PETSc documentation</a>). You can get a short description of PETSc suite methods being implemented in FEFLOW 7.5 in the <a href="http://www.feflow.info/html/help75/feflow/08_ProblemSettings/equation_system_solver.html">online help</a>. We are planning to extend all this documentation in the near future.&nbsp;In few words, FEFLOW Equation-System Solver page in the GUI includes: (1) PETSc Krylov-subspace solvers (iterative solver in addition to PCG), (2) PETSc library AMG solvers and (3)&nbsp;PETSc library AMG solver with <a href="https://hypre.readthedocs.io/en/latest/solvers-boomeramg.html#">Boomer AMG from Hypre</a>. The latest option supports GPU-accelerated AMG under Linux. GPU implementation is based on CUDA framework, which the support of this is mandatory in the graphic card.<br> If you would like to test this from the console, feflow75c has new arguments: <strong>-solver</strong> [pardiso|pcg|samg|pksp|pamg] and&nbsp;<strong>-gpu</strong> [yes|no].&nbsp;<br> In case there is no possibility to access to Linux instances, FEFLOW GUI (Windows) offers the cloud-deployment with a pre-defined Linux configuration dedicated for GPU acceleration. This is available through the new Cloud Simulation panel in FEFLOW 7.5.<br> <br> In case of more details are required, we can discuss further through the technical support channel (mike.de@dhigroup.com).<br> <br> Cheers<br> Carlos<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> &nbsp;
  • RE: FEFLOW with PiChem (Plug-in)

    Hi Jimmy,
    I would recommend you to get in touch with our customer care team (mike@dhigroup.com) in order to discuss the best manner you can test the software.

    Best regards
    Carlos Rivera
  • RE: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ifm'

    The module ifm is part of the FEFLOW installation. Can you try a script with just the line "import ifm"? If this does not work, there may be something wrong with the environmental variables to define ifm's locaiton.
    I would also recommend you to get in touch with the technical support.
  • RE: Unsaturated Flow - moisture content

    Indeed strange. If p &gt;= 0, then S should be 1. Moisture content cannot be 1, since it is relative to the total porosity.<br> Also if I were you, I would verify whether this is not an effect on any of your visualization settings. Technical support can give you some hints about this.<br> Cheers<br> Carlos
  • RE: outflow temperature

    Yes, of course. You would need to place observation points. You can take a lot of the steps in the Introductory Tutorial below:

  • RE: Adding elevations without using an excel file

    Hi Ander,<br> You are not forced to work with only excel files. FEFLOW has a variety of file formats in 2D/3D and support several industry file formats. The most popular formats within the users are&nbsp;Shapefiles and text files (*.dat). The data is interpolated at each of the FEFLOW nodes, for this operation the user requires a vector file rather than a raster.<br> <br> Our technical support can give you some hints about this. You can reach them at mike@dhigroup.com.<br> <br> Cheers<br> Carlos<br> <br> &nbsp;
  • RE: steady state infiltration in an variably saturated groundwater flow model

    There are several reasons of your observation, being the most simple one the discretization. If you would like to improve the vertical moisture profile in the unsaturated zone, you basically need to work with more slices.
    Also, FEFLOW does not apply directly the recharge to the water table. The fact that you are solving the Richards eq., FEFLOW is capable to simulate the propagation of the wetting front (let's say from top surface) down to the water table. If you are getting less recharge, then it may be you need to improve parameter settings (conductivity, unsaturated param. etc).

  • RE: Feflow Cross-Section view in 3D Unstructured Mesh

    Hi Agustín,
    You would need first to create a 2D polyline and then simply right-click on the line name to open the Cross-Section view. In the case of 3D Unstructured meshes, I would recommend you to import a 2D shapefile (or similar), since you can automatically create a 2D Polyline for cross-section using the external map file.

  • RE: Assign boundary conditions by polygon

    Hi Joshua,

    I have just checked with the latest FEFLOW release (FEFLOW 7.5 - Update 1). It seems this was an old bug, which has been fixed already.
    In case you have any question, I encourage you to get in touch with the official technical support mike.de@dhigroup.com

  • RE: Internal Transfer (Porous Medium)

    Hi Bradley,<br> You can track the rate (m3/d) / period (m3) budgets through a set of charts based on nodal selections only. However, the functionality is not intended for a massive monitoring of selections. If you are really interested to work with budget calculations at the elemental scale, then I would recommend you to take a look on the different API functions available. For example you can prepare a Python script having the functionality expected. Below, you have the link to the entire list of functions:<br> <br> http://www.feflow.info/html/help75/feflow/13_Programming/IFM/API/appendix_b_index.html<br> <br> Cheers<br> Carlos<br> &nbsp;