Hi Murugan,
The solutions depends on how the data has been stored in the DAC file. If you
set Observation Points before the simulation starts, then FEFLOW will create
Mass Species for all the major ions defined in the PHREEQC files. Then you will
get the typical charts, where each concentration breakthrough is exportable via
right-click on the chart.
If you decide to only save the results using PHREEQC output keys defined in the
text files, FEFLOW will create nodal distributions with those values. You have
all the information per each FEFLOW node and time step. The only workaround to
create time-series is via Python, where you write your own scrip to go through
the steps in DAC file, get the nodal values and export them.
Hi Mohamad
You would require to store the river water levels as FEFLOW Time Series. If you
have the river network as a polyline shapefile (or similar), you can use the
option "Link to Parameter" (context menu of a selected map) to carry out a
linear interpolation along the river lines and using the points with the river
level time series. Take a look on this
description: https://download.feflow.com/html/help81/feflow/09_Parameters/1D_interpolation.html
If you have a valid support agreement, please reach out FEFLOW support team
Yes, with the latest FEFLOW 8.1, we strongly do not recommend to use the
Open-Loop plug-in. The full functionality is implemented in the GUI. This will
also warranty a robust model performance.
Hi Lydia,
what is exactly the problem with the observation points import? Can you be more
I would strongly recommend to look and download the Introductory Tutorial. There
we demonstrate the insertion of observation points in multiple FEFLOW slices.
If you see that the script has a line "import ifm_contrib as ifm", this means
that it is not really using the standard IFM functionality. The script contains
a layer above named "contribution", which is a community extension. FEFLOW
standard IFM will give you all the arrays of results. These can be subsequently
used by any graphical Python packages for visualization and/or plotting such as
Matplotlib, PyVista, etc. You may want to visit our free self-paced course about
FEFLOW Python integration. I have few official examples how to plot FEFLOW's
results with Matplotlib. The link is below
Hi Emilia,
Refinement is not necessary the solution. You should look for the Mesh Quality.
How good is the mesh if you plot the Max. Interior Angle of triangles? For
example, if you do the refinement in bad-shaped triangles, then the situation
will become even worst.
Why are you using the Error Norm (max.)? Is your problem converging?
Get in touch with MIKE Support (mike.de@dhigroup.com) and discuss your case in
Best regards
Carlos Rivera
Hi Rachit,
To understand better the case, can you elaborate how you are launching the
1000's simulations? Is this done under the FePEST framework? Or are you using
your own script to do the job? The issue with the MPI can be related to several
things, for example, you already have an MPI environment in place, which could
conflict with FEFLOW's one. Or the script is not properly terminating the MPI
Best regards
Carlos Rivera
Hi Lucien,
If you are solving the groundwater flow equation with the option "Free" surface,
then FEFLOW assumes that the elevation of Slice 1 coincides with the phreatic
surface (Pressure = 0 kPa). Therefore, the model elevation will change
accordingly during the simulation. You can solve the groundwater flow equation
by using the "Phreatic" option or the Problem Class Richards. We have dedicated
free training course about all these options. You can register with the link
Best regards
Carlos Rivera
No, it is not possible. Hydrodynamics model for rivers cannot be solved with
steady-state concept. If you prefer to work in steady, then you would need to
operate only with FEFLOW, where the river heads are prescribed by the
Fluid-Transfer BC.
Best regards,
Hi Max,
The problem is that SAMG did not converge properly. I see you are working with a
RMS norm. This is practical for standard cases, but in situations, where you
have specific "hot spots" (e.g. not convergence directly at the BHE locations),
it will be much useful to work with a MAX norm. The Max norm will focus on the
spots with maximum error, presumably the BHE locations.
Alternatively, you can give a try with the direct solver PARDISO.
Best regards
Carlos Rivera