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Posted Tue, 18 Jun 2024 22:14:59 GMT by Daniel Portocarrero
Hello, I am have create a selection of drains on a specific slice. Now I want to select the same drain distribution on a different slice. I have exported the selection as DRAINS.xml. When I import that file using File, Import Location Sets, it goes to the slice where I initially create the selection. Is there any way to import the selection to a diferent slice?
Posted Tue, 09 Jul 2024 08:06:07 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Hola Daniel, If you really work with the XML file exported from the selections, they contain the nodal/elemental IDs. Therefore, this will always select the same exported selection. But if you export the selections as geometry, e.g. export heads at the nodal selection as SHP file, then you can import the SHP in the Maps panel. This process will allow to select at any target slice by using the tools Select by Map Point/Line/Polygon. Saludos Carlos

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