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  • Open Pit/Underground Mine - Richard`s Equation

    Good morning everyone! I would like to know something about the construction of the Hydrogeological Model using equations for partially saturated zones. The Model will be developed for a mining site in which, in the first part of its Life of Mine, it will be an open-pit mine. Over time, the mine will advance as an underground mine. I would like to know the implementations to be made. I have not yet done any tests using this approach (Richard's Equation). I am thinking the following: * Thinking about the first moment, the excavation as an underground mine. The excavation, in the transient as an "Inactive Cell" varying over the time steps. Varying the in/out flow parameter for the cell, immediately below the added inactive cell. * The underground excavation, would be placed in the model as Hydraulic-head BC with flow restriction. I would like to know if my thinking is correct (I will still do the tests) and there would be another issue to be observed.