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Posted Mon, 21 Oct 2013 17:03:35 GMT by andreas fach private
task: to convert an elemental selection to a nodal selection
(ok, export to arcgis, create a shape there... but directly in Feflow?) Thanks for any clue.
Posted Tue, 22 Oct 2013 10:06:36 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
That's currently not directly supported, but will be in the upcoming release.

As a workaround (maybe faster than the ArcGIS option) you could set any type of BCs to the nodes in the selection and then use the conversion tool provided in the context menu for the corresponding BC type. Be careful with this as it a) will overwrite all BCs on these nodes and b) will convert ALL BCs of the type into an elemental selection.
Posted Tue, 22 Oct 2013 11:26:03 GMT by andreas fach private
thanks for your time Peter, I do not completely understand your workaround,
I do have a selection of elements
I need the corresponding nodes from these elements
I would like to convert the element selection to a nodal one

I understand your proposal as a way to convert a nodal selection to something new, but this nodal selection is what I'm longing for in the first run.

Posted Wed, 23 Oct 2013 07:14:13 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
You're right - I apologize. I had read your message to quickly, thinking that you'd be asking for nodes -> elements... but it's the other way round. There's currently no workaround for this.
Posted Tue, 10 Dec 2013 03:25:11 GMT by uqjzhang
The topic is a while ago, anyway I share my walkaround here. It's not perfect but it's super easy.

1. select the element;
2. assign a big value (e.g. 1000) to an unused 'Material properties' (e.g. Out-transfer rate); assign to User Data if nessecery;
3. switch to node selection mode
4. use Select Nodes Expression Editor and put 'TRAFOUT > 999' after 'where' and apply

This approach will probably miss some nodes at the element boundary so some manual work will be needed.

Posted Fri, 21 Feb 2025 11:09:20 GMT by Sheba Mathew
can you help me in finding how to find out which parameters needed to be assigned to nodal selections, elemental selections etc.

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