• Residual water depth

    Hi all!
    i'm running a model with a single phreatic/confined layer.
    -when i'm using "unconstained" for dring cells, my water budget is OK.
    -when i'm using "constrained" to prevent cell drying and a "residual water depth"
      the outflow is much higher that inflow.

    is that mean that FEFLOW solve the residual watertable issue by entering additional water to the dring cells?

    if it so, i understand that i need to 1) not use the constarin option. 2) lower the conductivity on the area that is subject to drying.

    is there another way to overcome this problem?
  • Re: Export/Import data within a polygon

    i've found out that once the screen is in zoom on part of the model than only the point/polygons which show on the screen are exported.
    it may be a bug in the FEFLOW code  ::), but it can be useful for you.
    so, you should focus on the area (rectangle) you want to study and then do the export procedure.

    Elad Dafny
  • Re: fixed versus unspecified

    Hi mate,

    the answer hides in your question.
    whenever you wish to "fix" your layers you should use "fixed" option.
    as i understand it, the moveable layers option was created for the upper layers of phreatic aquifers, in which groundwater table can shift up and down.  so, this option is actualy 1) raise your resolution and 2) allow you to change groundwater table without driyng the uppermost cells.
    i don't think that there is a "rule" for your question, rather, you should (and did)used your common sense.

  • Re: FEFLOW crashing or power problems?

    I've been having the same problem on long runs. FEFLOW stops and exits without warning or error messages. It is sporadic, and impossible to reproduce. It has happend to me overnight, but also during the day.

    It does not seem to be a power spike affecting my computer as other applications I have open are still running fine. Furthermore, previous experience demonstrates that power spikes result in the PC shutting down, not automatically restarting and reopening applications running previously.

    We though it might be MS or Norton automatic updates. Investigation proved otherwise.

    It is possibly a power spike on the server (were the license resides) but probably not for the same reasons above. My IT guy does not report anything unusual with the server coinciding with the times it shuts down.

    My guess is that it is FEFLOW, and not a power interruption issue. It is an inconvience, but not a disaster.
  • Re: SHP to PLY

    thank you!
    this is for future users:

    [color=Red][b]General Description:[/b][/color]
    usage: shptoasc [options] <shape_file> <item>
      options (may be applied in conjunction):   
    -f <factor>  use <item>*<factor> as ID
    -s <shift>    use <item>+<shift> as ID
    -o <outfile> generate <outfile> instead of <shape_file>.{lin|ply|pnt}
    -d                  Append DATABASE-extension for JOIN-operation in FEFLOW to a polygon output file.

    *  Hit 'start'
    *  Hit 'Run'
    *  Type in the command box:
         [b] [color=Green]C:\FeFlow\bin\shptoasc d:\feflow\north\gisdata\polyg3.shp id[/color][/b]

    This means that the shptoasc module is found at directory C:\FeFlow\bin and that the module will look for the file polyg3.shp at directory D:\Feflow\GISData and create a .ply file in the same directory and in the same name, i.e polyg3.shp.
  • SHP to PLY

    hi all,
    does anybody know how to convert *.SHP files to *.PLY files?

    help will be appriciated!

    see you soon at berlin!
  • Re: insert new slices : equal spacing ???

    I'll try that!
    Thanks for your awesomely quick reply
    Very impressed!

    How come I didn't see that earlier!?!?!??!?!?!
    >:( >:( >:( :'( :'(

  • insert new slices : equal spacing ???

    Hi there,

    I wonder if there is a way to insert a few slices between two fixed slices and to make sure that the extra slices will be equally spaced between the previously existing top and bottom fixed slices???

    The fact is that I have a GW model (see cross section on the attached figure JPG) which was initially comprised with 6 slices [black line]  between which I've inserted many new slices (the red ones).

    When I take closer look at the final geometry, I notice that some of the intermediate slices are thicker than others (indicated by blue arrows) and I don't understand why and how I could avoid it...

    Any suggetsions?

    Or may be the only control is the decrement value (in the 3D layer configurator)?


  • Budget Question

    Can someone explain (or point me to a document) that explains why FEFLOW transient models combines storage and error into a single term.

    I am unable to explain this behavior to MODFLOW users and regulators.
  • Re: Interface to TECPLOT

    okay... I just understood the problem... and realised how dumb I was!

    after you run the model and the final iteration is reached, you have to hit the EXIT TO MASTER MENU button in order to have your file .PLT file updated-completed and readable in TECPLOT.

    sorry about that!!!
