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Posted Thu, 24 Aug 2006 19:49:51 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi there,

I wonder if there is a way to insert a few slices between two fixed slices and to make sure that the extra slices will be equally spaced between the previously existing top and bottom fixed slices???

The fact is that I have a GW model (see cross section on the attached figure JPG) which was initially comprised with 6 slices [black line]  between which I've inserted many new slices (the red ones).

When I take closer look at the final geometry, I notice that some of the intermediate slices are thicker than others (indicated by blue arrows) and I don't understand why and how I could avoid it...

Any suggetsions?

Or may be the only control is the decrement value (in the 3D layer configurator)?


Posted Thu, 24 Aug 2006 20:07:16 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
Indeed the control is the decrement value. However, if you set a decrement which is higher than half of the existing distance, the new slice will be placed exactly in the same distance to both neighboring slices (if you insert one slice only). Adding more slices, you'll get an equal partitioning of slices between the fixed ones.
Posted Thu, 24 Aug 2006 20:37:34 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
I'll try that!
Thanks for your awesomely quick reply
Very impressed!

How come I didn't see that earlier!?!?!??!?!?!
>:( >:( >:( :'( :'(

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