Re: import hydraulic conductivity file?
thanks to you, criga and karsten!
unfortunately, since I can't program, I will simply do it the conventional way!!!
Re: import hydraulic conductivity file?
Hey Thomas,
the filters Karsten mentioned sound interesting. I've never really looked into those though (I guess I try to avoid Cygwin programs too much, haha). Alternatively, you could write your own IFM Data Importer. We do this quite a bit and it works fine. You need to write and compile the C/C++ code though.
On the long run, it would certainly be nice if FeFlow had features like that incorporated into the User Interface.
Cheers, Chris. -
import hydraulic conductivity file?
I know there is a way to export centre quantities through the Flow data -> Flow materials menu. I was wondering if I could modify the K values of this file and re-import them into feflow. This way, I could process without having to work in a layer by layer fashion... This is simply because I have to do the job for a groudwater model with over 25 heterogeneous layers...