hi again,
[color=purple]i had a problem with summing the rain recharge to my model.[/color]
i followed the instructions of previous forum:
see: http://www.wasy.de/forum/index.php/topic,182.0.html
i.e.: mesh centers recive recharge, IDW interpolation 1 neighbour.
afterwards, mesh inspector show "0 in/out flow on top" to elements outside the recharge zone. so far, all good.
however, [color=purple]when i run the model i get recharge to elements which found next to a recharge zone (touch other elements whithin the recharge zone)!!!
i'm using "budget analyzer" - "elements" - no snap.[/color]
is it my error? some consideration of the FEFLOW? maybe software errors?
I'm trying to use the PATHLINE module in 3D OPTIONS
I'm just wondering how to keep the color settings I had in the postprocessor?!?!?
thank you!
think I forgot to say thank you for your reply... I've read it a while ago now!
What is the most appropriate way to represent flow barriers such as sheet-pile walls?
I have constructed experimental models wherein I use a single row of low-K elements and a double-wide row of low-K elements. In both cases, these barriers are effective in diverting flow. However, in my model of a real site, I find that versions with single-row, low-K barriers allow particle tracks to pass through as if there was no barrier at all.
Is there any plans to add the ability to create a no-flow boundary like the HFB package in MODFLOW?
Hi everyone!
I have a feflow model
->3D heterogeneous K field
->pumping wells
I'm using the 4th kind boundary condition for the wells, with well bore condition (specific option setting).
I initially thought that I would enter a single value as a global pumping rate and that the flow rate would be distributed to the various layers on which the wells have been place with a flow rate proportional to the transmissivity of each layer of the model.
I realized that I was wrong and entered the pumping for each layer as:
(total pumping rate / n slices = slice pumping rate).
This way, all of the slices have the same pumping rate... even tough it makes no sense in a heterogeneous K field setting...
My question is : ''Do I have to calculate transmissivities by hand and enter the 4th conditions on each slice as a transmissivity related proportion of the whole pumping rate?''
Or is there some built-in function?
Any help or suggestions appreciated!!!
by using the constrains of 2nd type boundary (Max=0) you design the boundary as outflow only,so you solve the "injecting" problem.
transfer in/out will only goes with 3rd. type boundary. so that won't help you.
consider changing the Kz of the well cell to infinite number so once water will enter the "well cell" they will be run quickly upward.
good luck!
Elad Dafny
I looked at the cross section.
1) why do you enter flux only to the lower half of the boundary? and not to all the boundary (left and right)?
2)to get a head which is about the topography on your island you need to enter lower K's in the island domain, so water level could be rise. either do it by change the isotrophy 1:10 at the island domain.
but you'll need a good excuse for that ...
3)after you raise the levels, you can enter a lake. you can do it by head boundary on the surface of the lake.
Good luck
Can anything be done to remove/filter/or block the spam posts in the General Forum?
for first aid-
did you use the constrains?
for "flux" inflow only boundary mark the "Min" checkbox and input 0 to the box near it.
what do you mean by :
"When I run the model to steady-state the hydraulic head is 36 m at an elevation of 63 m"
if you're meaning that at an area which top surface is 63m a.s.l the groundwater level is 36m (i.e., 27m below surface) than yes, this is a fresh water head!
by the way, it would be interesting to see the cross-section, if you can attach it to your next post.