• Re: Discretisation around nodes where Hydraulic head BCs are used to simulate a well

    Indeed there is a relationship the other way round, too. While the head depends on discretization when using a Well BC, the flow will depend on discretization when using a Head BC.
  • Re: Demo video on Evapotranspiration

    Dear Anne,

    The respective video was based on FEFLOW 5.x and therefore is no longer useful nowadays. Do you have a specfic question about the assignment?

    Best regards,
  • Re: Budget History Charting

    It is, but it is much less so compared to the 'old' flow rate method.
  • Re: invert flow in BHE-array

    Most unfortunately, this is currently not possible. I fully understand that this is how many systems are nowadays operated, and most probably there will be even more of these installations. We've put this on the wish list, but I cannot promise anything yet in terms of timing.
  • Re: Heat transport BC at pumping wells (with time-varying BC)

    These are at least the most straightforward options.
  • Re: Model Inland Lake

    Alternatively, if the lake water and groundwater levels influence each other (as groundwater is the only water source for the lake), you could also adopt a concept of simulating the lake by using a high-conductivity zone in the model (without and BC), or by using the plug-in IfmLake available from DHI-WASY that provides the possibility of simulating the lake as linked to the FEFLOW model.
  • Re: Adding nodes into an existing model for new wells

    The status is still the same: You can refine the mesh and manually move a node to a well location, but there's currently no automatic way of adding new nodes at a well location. We will very probably provide a way more general solution in the future, but it is still to early at this time to provide more details, not to speak of a time frame.
  • Transfer Rate Mass

    hi Feflow-forum,

    I have problem regarding the mass transfer rate, in the Feflow 6.2 help there is no correct explanation on that:

    Regarding the Mass-tranfer BC it's written in the help that

    Q[sub]mass[/sub]    =    A      *      transfer rate      *    (c[sub]ref[/sub] - c)

    the units in 3d are described as follows

    [g/m³]    =    [m²]    *        [m/d]        *  [g/m³]    ? ? ?

    How is this possible? Am I blind?

    What is the definition of the mass transfer rate (compared to the definition of Transfer Rate (fluid), where in the Feflow-help its written that "The transfer rate is a conductance term describing the properties of a clogging layer. It is defined as  ? = K/d"?

    Can somebody please provide some help? Thank u so much!

  • Re: Density ratio

    Hi, let me quote from the FEFLOW help below.

    Best regards,

    Density Ratio

    Unit: [1]
    Default value: 0

    The density ratio ? describes the ratio between maximum and minimum density in a density-dependent transport model. It is defined as the density difference in the model divided by the density at reference concentration/temperature.

    ? = (?max-?0)/?0

    It relates concentrations in the model to density differences. By default, FEFLOW assumes ?max to be the density at maximum concentration in initial or boundary conditions and ?0 as the density at a concentration of 0 mg/l.

    By default, FEFLOW uses one single Density Ratio for the sum of all concentrations in multi-species simulations. By applying the corresponding setting in Transport Settings in the Problem Settings dialog the density ratio can be specified separately for each single species. In this case, the parameter shows up separately for each species.

    Density ratio has to be 0 except for density-dependent models.
  • Re: Add scale

    Please note that it is not possible to add a classic scale bar to a 3D view as due to projection the same real length will be longer in front and shorter in the back. Thus the size of the model can be displayed as Björn has described.