• Re: qt GUI code

    The help system should already contain the new functions.
  • Re: qt GUI code

    Hi Blair,

    There's a very simple option for this - without any GUI programming on your side. The IFM function IfmEditProperties (available since FEFLOW 6.2) provides the functionality to bring up a Qt dialog for IFM data input from within FEFLOW. The dialog is customizable, and it supports lots of data types (integers, doubles, enumerations, strings, pathes, time, selection from a list of all time series in FEFLOW, selection from all nodal or elemental user distributions). Please have a look at the description in the FEFLOW help system.

    There is also a (very simple) test example in the FEFLOW SDK data (C:\Users\Public\Documents\WASY FEFLOW 6.2\sdk\ifm\samples\simul\ifm_prop).

    Good luck - and don't hesitate to ask if you struggle with the functionality!
  • Re: Beginner questions

    There's a step-by-step description of the entire demo exercise in Installation Guide and Demonstration Exercise on http://www.feflow.com/manuals.html.
  • Re: Beginner questions

    Hi Michael,

    1st kind BCs are set as 'hydraulic head' in FEFLOW which means that - in your simple case - you set the elevation (ASL) of the groundwater table.

    For soil temperature you should set the fixed T at the inflow boundary. If you do not set an initial temperature, you'd have to run the model until it shows a steady temperature distribution. So it might be more convenient to set the initials, too.

    BC values can be visualized in two ways: Either you activate the value display in the View Components panel, or you use the Mesh Inspector. For learning such basic functionality, it might be good to go through the FEFLOW demonstration exercise once.

    Good luck!
  • Use of FME

    Has anyone used "FME" to create a link from the data in a Mike Urban Project file ie: MDB to Bently Map??
    We are looking for a better way to update maps in Bently which display data and results from Mike Urban.
    Department has just received usage of this "FME" product and is looking at various uses.
  • Re: programming with Python

    Sorry to open up an old thread once again, but the original question is still unanswered.
    We've now started to take up the Python topic again. Please contact us if you're interested in beta-testing the current status of the FEFLOW-Python interface.
  • Re: Mulilayer Well doesn't work correct

    The max option turns the (internally set) well bc into a hydraulic-head bc if the head exceeds the maximum. So if your head would be above 0.5m, the well would be replaced by a head bc of 0.5m. If your well is meant to start pumping at head values of higher than 0.5m, then 0.5 will have to be set as the min constraint.
    Please note: At levels below 0.5m the will will NOT be turned off, but converted into a head bc. If factors other than the well cause the lowering of the water table, the well may even start infiltrating water to keep up the 0.5m level.
  • Re: Using IfmSetZ in a free and moveable model

    In a Free and Moveable setup, FEFLOW keeps two sets of elevation: the original and the moved ones. Without having checked, I'd think that IfmSetZ will work on the reference elevations.
  • Re: Hydraulic head - potential-difference - two aquiferes

    The trick is in the brackets used in my example above Head(0) refers to the hydraulic head at the node with the index 0. As the nodes are numbered slice by slice and with the same order on all slices, you can access the node exactly one slice below by taking the number of the current node and adding the number of nodes per slice. Head(Idx[sub]n[/sub]+No[sup]slice[/sup][sub]n[/sub]) then refers to the head one slice below. You will find the node index Idx[sub]n[/sub] and the number of nodes per slice No[sup]slice[/sup][sub]n[/sub] in the list of available parameters on the right.

    Good luck!
  • Re: Hydraulic head - potential-difference - two aquiferes

    1) You can copy the heads of one aquifer to another layer of a User Distribution and then show the head values and the values of the User Distribution at the same time.
    2) Yes: Head-Head(Idx[sub]n[/sub]+No[sup]slice[/sup][sub]n[/sub]) will calculate the head at the current slice - the head at the slice below. Idx[sub]n[/sub] is the node index, nodes are numbered slice-wise, therefore adding the number of nodes per slice you'll end up one slice below. If more than one slice is in between you'll have to add/subtract a multiple of No[sup]slice[/sup][sub]n[/sub].