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  • Re: How to Prepare raster data for Feflow

    Just export any nodal property (e.g., hydraulic head) with a right-click on the parameter in the data panel.
  • Re: Saltwater intrusion

    You may have a look at the Henry example which is very simplified, but based on the same principle. Let us know if you still encounter problems. Once you've installed the FEFLOW Demo Data package, you'll find the Henry benchmark in C:\Users\Public\Documents\WASY FEFLOW 6.2\demo\benchmarks\femdata\bench_henry.fem (path for Windows 7, can be different on other operating systems).
  • Re: Bug in feflow 5.3

    This is not a bug. The switch only provides alternative access to the setting for the top and the bottom. It is not a switch that changes any option in the model - the model switch is the 'constrained' vs. 'unconstrained' for both top and bottom.
  • Re: Dual Monitors

    You can keep the whole FEFLOW GUI with all the panels on one screen, while you have one view on the other screen: Just use the context menu of the view you would like to get in full screen mode and choose 'Full Screen on display ...'. With this, you can dock the panels as usual.
  • Re: Manipulate stored element/node selections

    I fully agree with Pete: If you only need to select nodes, you can create a User Data distribution with specific values for the selected nodes. With a loop over all nodes you can then easily identify the nodes you need.
  • Re: #2 - extraction well induces groundwater rising

    If it is not a huge rise, I'd ignore it as an artifact. Reducing the element size vertically would most probably work, but at a relatively large expense in the sense of additional nodes - so if you can get away without it, you should try.
  • Re: #2 - extraction well induces groundwater rising

    Actually the ideal element size is the element size that gives you the 'correct' drawdown - with smaller elements you over-estimate, with larger ones you under-estimate. With this element size, the virtual radius is equal to the real well radius. Please note that the calculation of the ideal element size and virtual radius is based on a 2D analytical solution (no 3D effects of the well, no regional gradient). For most cases, this assumption is no problem at all.
    You can find some information in chapter 13.5.3 (page 690) of the FEFLOW book. It refers to borehole heat exchangers and heat transport, but the concept is exactly the same for a well.
  • Re: Edit grid after mesh generation

    You can alter the grid in the sense of refining, moving nodes and switching edges. You can coarsen the mesh if you have refined it previously. You cannot, however, get coarser than the initial status.
  • Re: dis-activate elements

    Yes, this will work fine.

    BEst regards,
  • Re: Equivalent Porous Medium (EPM) - Set-up

    As FEFLOW uses a porous-media approach (aside from the possibility of inputting discrete fractures as conduits). It does, however, not calculate the EPM properties for you. You'll have to do this outside FEFLOW.