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Posted Sun, 25 Jan 2015 07:42:33 GMT by jochim_walter

I have to model a lake catchment where all the water flows into the lake from surrounding aquifers.I have to assign 1st kind constant boundary condition around the lake and represent surface water body  in the model. Please give me some suggestions
thank you
Posted Wed, 04 Feb 2015 15:15:47 GMT by Björn Kaiser
You could use a 1st kind BC to represent the water level of the lake. Instead of assigning the 1st kind BC around the lake, I suggest to assign the BC to the entire area (surface) of the lake.

You may also think about adopting a 3rd kind BC to account for clogging at the interface between the surface water and the groundwater.
Posted Thu, 05 Feb 2015 15:58:55 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Alternatively, if the lake water and groundwater levels influence each other (as groundwater is the only water source for the lake), you could also adopt a concept of simulating the lake by using a high-conductivity zone in the model (without and BC), or by using the plug-in IfmLake available from DHI-WASY that provides the possibility of simulating the lake as linked to the FEFLOW model.

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