• RE: Shoreline morphology - sea wall

    Thank you for your post.

    Since this seems to be a support enquiry we suggest that you contact our support team at MIKE@dhigroup.com and we will be happy to follow up on this matter.

    Best Regards,

    DHI Admin

  • RE: Discharge boundary in MIKE 21

    Thank you for your post.

    Since this seems to be a support enquiry we suggest that you contact our support team at MIKE@dhigroup.com and we will be happy to follow up on this matter.

    Best Regards,

    DHI Admin

  • Re: feflow 70q

    It sounds as if your shapefile was very large, and the memory of the machine is not sufficient to add the shape file. Use another machine or add more memory, or use a smaller shapefile.
  • Re: Wells with multiple screened intervals

    Thanks for the feedback, BT, and thanks for describing the procedure for Cidem! Hope it'll work out well for both of you!
  • Re: Even mass distribution along multilevel well

    As a first test I'd recommend to use a high dispersivity value for the multi-layer well. This should immediately lead to an even distribution along the well, without the difficulty of applying a higher concentration to the entire volume represented by the nodes along the MLW.
  • Re: Wells with multiple screened intervals

    In case that you really NEED to simulate one well with multiple screens (but one pump) you could use a single-node sink (Well BC) in combination with different types of discrete features (1D edge features for the screened parts, 'arbitrary' features for the closed parts). This, however, would have to be done step by step (not in the multi-layer well dialog).
  • Re: FEFLOW 7.2 demo files

    If you're referring to FEFLOW 6.2 (rather than 7.2), the demo data setup file is here: http://www.feflow.info/download/FEFLOW/windows/FeflowDemo-6.2.6200-x86-en/
  • Re: Appropriate use of S_s in unsaturated flow?

    It is important to note that FEFLOW references Ss and Sr as saturation, not as water content. Thus completely filled pores correspond to a value of 1 rather than the porosity. This is why Ss is 1 by default. FEFLOW accounts for porosity internally.
  • Re: Referencing nodes in the expression editor

    The quickest solution to this would probably be to copy the top node elevations to ALL nodes of a nodal User Data distribution and then use the value at the current node in this distribution.

    Aside from this workaround, and assuming that you're working in a layered model, there is a way within the expression editor as well: There is a template for getting the value at a specific node index (indicated by brackets in the toolbar, check out the tooltips). With this you can get Elev(node index). But what's the node index of the top node corresponding to your current node? As FEFLOW numbers the nodes slice by slice and in the same order in each slice, you can get the node index of the top node by current node index (Idxn) minus (Current Slice Number Nos - 1) multiplied with the number of nodes per slice Nonslice. All the respective numbers can be found in the Mesh - Node Data section on the right hand side of the dialog.
  • Re: store node selection on FEFLOW 6?

    Thank you very much