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Posted Thu, 18 Jan 2018 22:49:26 GMT by Matthew Simons Student
I'm using a multilayer well to simulate density-dependent brine injection in a deep, confined formation. I do this by assigning the MLW boundary condition to the full thickness of the formation and apply a specified Mass-concentration BC (of concentration C[sub]0[/sub]) to the bottom node of the MLW.

In theory, I feel that this should distribute the mass evenly along the length of the MLW, causing the same concentration of mass/solute to be injected into the model regardless of which slice I am looking at. In reality, only the bottom slice (on which the Mass-concentration boundary is located) do I see the full concentration, C[sub]0[/sub], that I want to simulate. As I pass upwards in the model through each slice, the concentration around the well decreases. Is there a way for me to have the concentration of the injected brine be constant along the length of the well as it enters the model regardless of the slice? Could I accomplish this by assigning Mass-concentration BCs of C[sub]0[/sub] to each node that makes up the MLW, or would this result in a greater amount of mass to be added to the model than I desire?
Posted Fri, 19 Jan 2018 13:20:59 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
As a first test I'd recommend to use a high dispersivity value for the multi-layer well. This should immediately lead to an even distribution along the well, without the difficulty of applying a higher concentration to the entire volume represented by the nodes along the MLW.
Posted Sat, 20 Jan 2018 00:00:27 GMT by Matthew Simons Student
Great idea, thank you!

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