• Re: Manning's coefficient

    Are you referring to roughness in OL or in MIKE 11?
    In Release 2019, you can specify a time-varying dfs2 for the OL Mannings coefficient.
  • Re: Simulated water level remain constant

    Thanks for the update.
  • Re: Error with Irrigation sourced from River

    Hi Angelica,
    I can't really tell you why...
    But, I wonder if it has something to do with the way the branch is being parsed.
    Is there something at Chainage 6794, for example a side branch connection?
    Remember that you have to specify the branch names exactly. Is it possible that you are trying to connect to the wrong branch via a spelling mistake?
  • Re: Creating large dfs0 files from ASCII

    please send a copy of the file to our Customer Support (mike@dhigroup.com) with a description of the problem.
  • Re: ERROR in UZ node

    Hi Diana,
    I can't tell from the message why it stopped.
    But, you should check that your water table is not falling below the bottom of you UZ column. This can cause the UZ to stop.
    In general, your UZ column should either
    + extend to the bottom of the top SZ layer, or
    + be thicker than the maximum depth of the water table.

  • Re: water balance total error

    A high water balance error is usually indicative of numerical errors in your simulation - not excessive outflows or inflows.
    Check you simulation log files for convergence messages.
    For example, if the SZ or OL solvers are frequently hitting the max number of iterations.
    The easiest way to test if it is a convergence issue is to drastically reduce the max time steps and set them all the same value.
    But, don't forget to shorten the simulation length.

    make sure that you have included the "Extraction" as the first step after a simulation.
    Otherwise, the water balance will also calculate based on the past results.
  • Re: Mike SHE flow model

    first of all, the baseflow to the river is not an input. It is a result.
    It is calculated based on the groundwater level adjacent to the river, and the time constant that controls the rate of exchange.
    This leads to your first question about the rising flow in the river.
    Without knowing more details of your model, my first guess is that it is groundwater slowly entering your river. The accumulated baseflow in the upstream river branches is slowly increasing the downstream flow.
  • Re: preprocessing error

    When MIKE SHE is pre-processing, it loads M1D and tries to initialize it.
    First check to make sure that the M1D model runs by itself in MIKE Hydro River.
    You can also check the M1D log file for clues as to why the M1D engine will not start.

  • Re: Mike SHE flow model

    A couple of suggestions...
    1. check to make sure you actually have OL flow. If your time step is too long, or your rainfall timestep is too long, then you might not be actually generating any ponding. OL will only pond if the amount of rainfall in the time step is greater than the amount of UZ infiltration.
    2. If you can see that there is ponding beside the river and it is not getting into the river, then the problem is probably because the bank elevations in your x-sections are too high. Try setting the bank markers at the topography, or adjusting your x-sections elevations.