• Re: Question about unsaturated module

    Hi Natalia, 
    You can only define soil depths by column.
    There is currently no function to specify soil depths as a map.
    Your only option is to define soil zones based on soil depths. This will define all the columns in the soil zone the same way.
  • Re: Converting a MIKE SHE model to MODFLOW?

    Hi Christian,
    In all cases that I have been involved in, it is from MODFLOW to MSHE. Even in this case, it is relatively infrequent because most people prefer to rebuild the models from the original data.

    The ease of conversion from MSHE to MODFLOW will really depend on if you are using a GUI, or not - and which GUI.
    1. Properties: if your GUI supports shp file imports, then you can export all of your property maps to a shp file by right clicking on the map in Pre-processed tab.
    2. Boundaries:  boundary conditions are more difficult because these are model specific. For example, there is way to convert a M11 model to the MODFLOW stream package.
    3. Time series: MODFLOW uses stress periods and the GUIs handle time series in different ways. So, it is probably better to simply re-import rainfall, pumping rates, etc directly into the new model.

    I realize this is not a great help. 

  • Re: Question about unsaturated module

    Hi Natalia,
    You can easily specify soil layers with depth - if you are using either the Richards or Gravity UZ methods.
    To do so, click on the [Insert] icon in the Soil Profil pane of the UZ Soil Profile Definition dialog.

    The UZ module in MIKE SHE is purely 1D vertical. Once infiltration reaches the groundwater table, the water can flow laterally.
    So, no, if the upper UZ layers do not communicate laterally with neighbouring columns - even if they are saturated.

  • Re: ERROR: Groundwater below UZ column

    Hi Elin,
    I can add some more detail to this.
    The UZ model will stop if the water table falls below the bottom of the UZ model.

    However, the UZ model only couples to the top SZ layer, and the top SZ layer never completely dries out.
    So the safest way to define the UZ is to define UZ layers down to the bottom of SZ Layer 1. In this case, a falling water table will never cause the UZ model to stop - even if the water table falls into the 2nd SZ layer.

    There is no practical penalty for doing this. If the water table remains high, the UZ cells that are saturated contribute to the size of the UZ output file, but they don't slow down the simulation.


  • Re: MIKE Zero Post-Processing Statistics

    there is no easy way to do this, but you can run the MZero and MSHE toolbox utilities from a batch file.
    So, you could set up a batch file to
    1. Mzero/TxStat: extract all the seasonal values one after another to separate dfs2 files (one for each season)
    2. MSHE/Grid Calculator: add the dfs2 output files together and divide by the number of files

    The other way to do this is to use the Software Development Kit APIs to write a short program to read the output files and write a new file.
