• Re: How to create a station-based rainfall distribution dfs2 or shp file?

    Hi Ajai,
    The way it works, is that you
    1. create a dfs2 map of grid codes with each code representing an area around each rainfall station.
    2. From this map, the GUI will create one data tree item for each grid code.
    3. Then, for each grid code item in the data tree, you assign a dfs0 time series.

    So, you don't need to convert your dfs0 to a dfs2.
    Hope this helps,

  • Re: Recharge to groundwater higher than infiltration rate

    Hi Bijan,
    the recharge to groundwater is not usually larger than infiltration, but this can happen.
    Typically this is because the UZ is draining to the water table during periods of little or no infiltration.
    In particular, the default initial conditions for the UZ is the saturation pressure curve up until it reaches field capacity, then the initial condition is field capacity above this. So, the initial condition for UZ is never less then field capacity.
    Since the equilibrium water content is the actual saturation pressure curve, the UZ will drain during the initial simulation period, even if there is no rain.

    Cheers and Happy New Year,
  • Re: Auto Calibration error

    Hi Kasun,
    I don't know for sure, but I suspect that it might cause by a read/write error.
    Are you sure that all your Autocal files are in a local directory that you have write access to?
    For example, if the files are still in the Installation directory, you won't have write access.
  • Re: AutoCal intel(r) visual fortran runtime error MIKE 2016

    Hi Radha,
    I think the problem is that you have not specified any parameters in the template file.
    To do so, you need to use a "flag" value such as 1.01e-35 for the parameter that you want to calibrate.
    See the Autocal Documentation for more detailed information.
  • Re: Auto Calibration error

    Hi Kasun,
    To use Autocal, you need to create a template file and then specify parameter code values (eg -1.1e-35) in the template file for the parameters that you want to calibrate. The Autocal program then scans through the .she template file and will list this items in the parameter table.

    There is more information in the Autocal manual (attached).
    For all such queries, there is lots of information in the manuals. To find the manuals, use the MIKE Zero documentation entry in the Windows Start menu.
    In earlier releases, the pdf documentation was in the Installation directory. In the 2017 Release, the documentation is stored in the cloud and accessed via the web from the Start menu. This allows us to update the documentation continuously.

  • Re: AutoCal intel(r) visual fortran runtime error MIKE 2016

    I think the problem is that you are trying to run the example from the installation directory, which is write protected.
    If you use the Install Examples... function, then all of these files are copied to your My Documents directory.
    Then, try running the Autocal from there.
  • Re: Issue with coupling MIKE SHE with MIKE 11 for Ecolab simulations

    I don't have any magic solution. But, I would suggest trying to narrow the problem down.
    I assume that MSHE WM and M11 work find together without the AD.
    If so, then I would start by verifying each of the components individually.
    1. check that MSHE AD works by itself with all the components turned on (no WQ in M11)
    2. check that MSHE AD with Ecolab works (no WQ in M11)
    3. check that MSHE AD and M11 AD work together (no ECOLab).
    4. check that MSHE AD + Ecolab is working with M11 AD (no ECOLab in M11)
    5. check that MSHE AD is working with M11 AD + Ecolab (no EcoLab in MSHE)
    etc (skip steps that are not relevant).
    The idea is to narrow the failure down to a precise combination that fails.

    Now,one thing to be aware of is that you cannot run MSHE WQ + Ecolab and M11 WQ + Ecolab at the same time.
    You can only run one instance of EcoLab at a time.


  • Re: Issue with coupling MIKE SHE with MIKE 11 for Ecolab simulations

    I have two suggestions:
    1. Did you save the WQ results in the MSHE WM simulation? This should be automatic if the WQ is turned on in MSHE, but may be turned off. There is a check box in the Storing of Results dialog. 
    2. Did you turn on WQ in all the model components? MSHE is limited in the number of allowed combinations for WQ. This needs to be done before you run the WM, to ensure that all the proper WM components are saved.

  • Re: Issue with coupling MIKE SHE with MIKE 11 for Ecolab simulations

    Did you check to make sure that the Results recycling is turned off?
    Look under WQ Simulation Period. You need to make sure that the "No recycling..." option is selected.
  • Re: Issue with loading shapefiles on MIKE SHE

    Hi Caitlin,
    Check to make sure that your shp file is a single, closed polygon.

    In the Model Domain dialog, when you open the .shp file with the browse button [...] you will get a file selection dialog. This dialog has several tabs at the bottom. One of these is a map to display the shp file. If the map does not show a single closed polygon, then it will give you an error when you try to load it.
