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Posted Wed, 25 Jan 2017 19:42:19 GMT by Viviane

I would like to know if I can simulate surface water like rivers and streams only using MIKE SHE, without to use MIKE 11.


Posted Fri, 10 Mar 2017 10:55:07 GMT by Douglas Graham
In principle, you can simulate rivers with MIKE SHE without including MIKE 11. However, in this case, the rivers would be simulated as 2D overland flow. This would be substantially slower than MIKE 11, and would not allow for such things as control structures (eg wiers, gates).

Posted Thu, 30 Mar 2017 12:46:48 GMT by Viviane
Hi Douglas!

Thank you for the information.
Just to understand better, In this case, I have to check "Overland Flow (OL)"and keep unchecked "Rivers and Lakes (OC)" in Simulation Specification, ok?


Posted Thu, 06 Apr 2017 12:00:06 GMT by Douglas Graham
Hi Viviane,
You also need to remember that your 2D OL flow will have a low velocity because it will be very shallow. If the travel distance is too far, then the OL may quickly infiltrate or evaporate as it travels over the land surface.

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