• 2nd type BC

    HI all,
    I assigned 2nd type integral bC to a 3D steady flow model. My understanding is that the flux obtained in Budget Analyzer for the 2nd type BC should be proportional to the integral value I assigned. But it was not. It is very large when I assigned 0.01, and it was very small when I assigned 0.08. In one word, I cannot find a correlation between the value I assigned and the flux provided by the Budget Analyzer. Why is that? I appreciate any reply.

  • fixed or unspecified slices for confied aquifer


    The top slice of a confined aquifer has to be set as fixed?? Or it can be set as unspecified??


  • 3rd type boundary conditions


    I assigned zero to the Transfer Rate In, but the Budget Analyzer still showed that flux in through 3rd type boundary conditions is much larger than 0 (like 400cubic meter per day). Why is that? Thanks a lot in advance for your reply.

  • representation of a pond


    For a steady flow/transient transport modeling, the contaminat source is a pond with very concentrated contaminant. If water is pumped out from wells surrounding the pond, the pond could be dry. How to represent the pond in the model? I tried using 1st BC, but it looks like it is not a good choice. When I use large pumping rate, there are always contaminant entering the subsurface. I appreciate any input for this.

  • Boundary conditions


    For a steady flow/transient transport modeling, I set 3rd type BC for flow along a river. Do I have to set 3rd type BC for transport also along the same river? Thanks.
  • Questions about well

    When I used the Budget Analyzer ->boundary to see how much water was pumped out from the wells, I found that there are values for both "flux in" and "flux out". But I only assigned pumping rate, and I did not assign any recharge rate to the wells. What is the reason for that?
  • Re: Multi-layer well

    Thanks a lot, Alexander.

    Then what is the difference between multi-layer well and Standard Single well? For example, there are two cases.

    Case one: I put Standard Single Well in the same (x,y) coordinates at Layer 3, 4 , 5, 6, and set the puming rate on Layer 6 as 100, and on the rest layers (i.e., 3,4,5) as 0.

    Case two: I put multi-layer well in the same (x,y) coordinates as case one, and the puming rate on Layer 6 is 100, and on the rest layers (i.e., 3,4,5) is 0.

    What is the difference between case one and two?

  • Multi-layer well correction

    How to make changes (like the screen length) to mulyi-layer well once you assign it? Now I delete it first, and re-assign the 4th BC again. Is there any way not to delete it first? Thanks.

  • Multi-layer well


    According to FEFLOW 5.3 User's Manual (page 181), to activate the function of Multi-layer wells, "you have to set the corresponding button in the Specific Options Settings... submenu of the shell's Options menu." And I tried that. I found that wether you set this or not, you can always use the multilayer well function. Is it a bug?


  • Pumping flow rate assignment


    One question about assigning pumping rate to wells. If I assign a pumping rate of 100 m3/d to slice 2, which layer does it mean that the water is extracted from, layer 1 or layer 2?

