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  • Re: leap year

    Use 365.25/365 = 1.000685 for a day instead of 1? We typically use 365.25/12 for monthly timestepping. Haven't really done daily timestepping before, but I'd give that a try.
  • Re: Scatter plot and RMS

    RMS = (sum of (computed - observation)^2) / (number of observations)
    STDEV = (sum of (computed - observation)^2) / (number of observations - 1)

    It's not just FEFLOW 6.1 that calculates RMS this way.  ;D
  • Re: How to editing already set Multilayered well BC

    An unsupported way to change it is by saving your fem file as ASCII then editing the file through a text editor.

    Multilayer wells are defined in the FLOW_I_BC, MULTILAYER and FRACTURES (can't remember the exact names). What you likely want to change is the MULTILAYER well block -- it's presented in XML. Here you can change the elevations (uses the top and bottom nodes defined in the elevation range) and storage along with the other properties. It's trial and error to figure out what's what.

    They're pretty hard to work with from what I remember. I don't think you can edit them any other way; you'll have to redo them to change them as the interface just shows the last inputs you made, rather than the assigned properties.
  • Re: SAMG error code 211

    According to this doc:

    Error in performing the setup optimization AMG solution phase
    200 General error (unclassified)
    210 Divergence of the method
    220 Error in relaxation (smoothing)
    230 Error in ILU (smoothing)
    240 Error in ILUT (smoothing)
    250 Error in inter-grid transfers
    260 Error in alternating ìSchwarz processî

    There is no error or warning 211... This document might be outdated and I can't find a more recent one, but I hope this helps.

  • Re: FePEST and Porosity

    From my little experience with PEST, the transform shouldn't matter much for a parameter. The only effect would be PEST's sensitivity to that parameter (I presume) and as long as your bounds are (0,1], PEST will just be super sensitive to porosity. Still not sure why it wants porosity to be log transformed though.. you should be able to set it to "none"?!
  • Re: Is it possible to create a .fem file from a .dac file?

    yes you can take the .dac to create a .fem file. make sure you use your timestep0
  • Re: How to display scatter slots of transient model results

    It appears that you are assigning time-series #50 and #250. If there are only two observation points, I would've assumed that you would have only time-series #1 and #2? How is your pow file set up?
  • Re: How to display scatter slots of transient model results

    If you could export a .dat file of your observation points and paste a line or two from the file, that should provide me enough info to figure it out

  • Re: How to display scatter slots of transient model results

    Ensure that all your observation points are enabled/activated under "edit observation points" checkmarked under the "No." column. The vertical lines that are shown are the default confidence intervals. I normally just set the confidence interval to 0, in the "edit observation points" under "reference values", or just import the .pow data to a spreadsheet.

    Biggest headache for me has been the labels being displayed, those confidence intervals and the little black tickmark indicating the datapoint's x-intercept on the 45 degree line. Skews your vision, especially when you have 150+ observation points.

    I just made a suggestion in the suggestion forum regarding these vertical lines.
  • Re: Simulation time and Time series?

    The time series for the tidal data can be divided up into fractions of a day.

    !Tidal data
    ! [type=Constant]
    0          400
    0.042  405
    0.083  406

    Not sure if this is possible, but it may be worth it to use a cyclic time mode assuming the tide is coming in and going out, otherwise you'll be dealing with a lot of timesteps if you're using automatic timestepping.
