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  • Re: Crash in Feflow 6.2 (p8) on a Windows 7 PC - Right click on charts

    We've had this exact issue in the past; we were using FEFLOW through Windows Remote Desktop. Updating Windows Remote Desktop and our graphics drivers solved our issues, sure hope your problem is solved too. :-)

  • Multilayer Wells

    Any recommendations on importing/exporting multilayer wells with timeseries? It's not so intuitive as it is with other boundary conditions and observation points.


  • Re: Extract Slices and Nodes

    Spatial Units panel -> Right click on Observation Points -> Export Observation Points. I typically export as .dat

  • Re: Licensing

    To circumvent this issue, our modelling group has its own private network of several workstations and a domain user account across this network. Updates to the OS and the software are done by me through scripts, pretty handy.
  • Re: Discretisation around nodes where Hydraulic head BCs are used to simulate a well

    I've personally not tested this, but with better discretization you're likely going to get a better estimate of flow, based on the white papers for BHEs... I typically logarithmically scale discretization around all wells based on the that have any sort of boundary condition or require an accurate observation. Symmetry is important, at least on a finer scale.

    I'm not sure how good this is, but you can also apply a mesh refinement gradation around supermesh points which will likely help if it's too problematic to modify the supermesh manually around the wells. I'm not sure what kind of algorithm the Triangle Mesh Generator applies for refinement gradation, but it's probably not ideal.

    Hope this helps,

  • Re: Elevation problems on the boundary

    I'm no geologist, but that data doesn't look right to me. You should probably go back and check it... In your second image, it looks like you have all the stratigraphy equal to a thickness close to 0m at one point. You should probably get rid of outliers like that and smooth your surfaces below the topography first. Also, looks like the thicknesses of the stratigraphy vary wildly along the between the syncline and anticline, which isn't realistic...

    FEFLOW only interpolates the data onto the mesh. If the data is bad, you're going to end up with a bad mesh...
  • Re: FEFLOW: intrusion - negative concentration

    You're probably using large timestep values and it is oscillating. You might either want to try reducing the mesh size around the mass transport boundary or reducing the initial timestepping/growth factor more. Over a long time though, the oscillation should go away. I always set the growth factor to be <2.
  • Quick Import


    I'm trying to use the quick import feature for multilayer wells using an exported dat file straight from FEFLOW, but it appears to not be working at all... Am I using this feature wrong? I'm noticing that the dat file is formatted a bit differently with the "NAME" column. In the past, I've used .dat files for importing observation points by using "Convert to Observation Points" and works perfectly. Attached is the dat file (change from txt).


  • Re: GPU Enabled MIKE 21 FMHD

    Hello everyone,

    I'm currently looking into purchasing a Titan Z, but since it's functionally two GPUs, I am wondering if anyone knows if it's supported by the software or if the hardware acts like one GPU?

    Oh yeah, one more thing: we've tried and tested a Titan Black its definitely worth the cost, which is why we're now considering a Titan Z.


  • Re: How to Prepare raster data for Feflow

    To my knowledge, FEFLOW doesn't know how to deal with raster data, so it might be handy to parse it into spreadsheet software and manipulate it in such a way to have X, Y, ELEV, which shouludn't be too hard considering the data falls on a uniform grid. This way you can import it as a .trp file. Creating your own .dat files for FEFLOW is a bit harder...
