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Posted Sun, 02 Mar 2014 17:09:46 GMT by zhengq
I used seepage face to simulate dewatering wells in a 3D model with 9 layers. I re-run this .fem file recently, but cannot get the same .dac file as I got before (very strange!!!). The pumping rate from the seepage face were reasonable from my previous .dac file. But the .dac file I got this time shows a unreasonably large value and variation in pumping rate. I am thinking to re-create the .fem file from the previous .dac file. But is it possible?

Thanks for help.

Posted Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:43:00 GMT by adacovsk
yes you can take the .dac to create a .fem file. make sure you use your timestep0
Posted Wed, 05 Mar 2014 14:16:11 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
... and then just use  'Save as' and choose .fem as the format.
Posted Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:54:54 GMT by Florian Steffinger
Does it allways work, or are there any situations, were one has to be carefull?
We were simulating a flow&transport model in an unconfined aquifer and I remember (rather sketchy), that we experienced some mass instationarity if we created a fem-file from a dac-file (we chose a timestep in the middle).

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