• Re: feflow 2d model

    In 2D confined horizontal models you may use the hydraulic head to represent the water level. In 2D vertical/axisymmetric models you may use the 0 Pa-isoline for the pressure.
  • Re: labels are not displayed?!

    I made a quick check by showing labels for the head isolines using FEFLOW 6.2 Patch 7 (January 2015). It works correctly in a Slice View, in a 3D View and in a Cross Section View. If you intend to visualize the labels, the [b]Off[/b] radio button must not be activated.
  • Re: Model Inland Lake

    You could use a 1st kind BC to represent the water level of the lake. Instead of assigning the 1st kind BC around the lake, I suggest to assign the BC to the entire area (surface) of the lake.

    You may also think about adopting a 3rd kind BC to account for clogging at the interface between the surface water and the groundwater.
  • Re: feflow

    Usually, geological layers differ in physical rock properties (e.g. hydraulic conductivity). You could plot the hydraulic conductivity to visually discriminate different geological layers.
  • Re: Transfer Rate Mass

    The in-transfer rate and out-transfer rate associated with the Mass-Transfer BC (Cauchy) can be considered as a leaching parameter, which constrain the mass flux through the boundary.

    If the transfer-rate = 0, the boundary is impervious. In contrast, if the transfer-rate is very large, the Cauchy BC is reduced to a mass-concentration BC (Dirichlet).

    If you consider the thickness d for the leaching body and apply Ficks’s law the transfer-rate for the mass Phi=D/d, where D is the molecular diffusion.

    Essentially, that’s the same principle like the transfer for groundwater Phi(fluid)=k/d.

    Classical examples are flow over a salt dome with a diffusive input component of the mass (e.g. HYDROCOIN)
  • Re: Transfer Rate Mass

    Hi Heraklit,

    The resulting unit is not entirely correct: [m²] * [m/d] * [g/m³] = [g/d]

  • Re: PCG error

    The diagonal in the matrix must not be <= 0. There are several possible reasons for negative entries along the principal diagonal of the matrix.
    1. Strong contrasts in material properties of adjacent elements. Try to refine the mesh horizontally/vertically.
    2. Topological errors of the mesh as triggered inconsistent input data (e.g. overlapping elements/element edges, wrong numeration of the nodes).
  • Re: Set the extraction concentration at the injection nodes of an open loop system

    Yes, that's possible. The OpenLoop plug-in can be used for applying a concentration differential in mg/l. The module support thermohaline (heat and mass transport) simulations and multi-species mass transport..
  • Re: Budget History Charting

    You may use the Subdomain Boundary Rate Budget Panel or Subdomain Boundary Period Budget Panel.

    These panels provide the possibility to accurately calculate fluid, mass and heat flows across model-internal subdomain boundaries. The subdomain boundary can be the entire outer boundary of an element selection, or an arbitrary part of it.
  • Re: Layer splitting into subdomains

    Regarding your property zones, I suggest to make the element selections in a Slice View. You may either select manually or you may [b]Select by Map Polygon[/b] (Selection Toolbar).

    After you selected the elements copy the selection to all other layers you wish to have the same zone by using the [b]Copy Selection to Slices/Layers[/b] (Selection Toolbar).

    Repeat these steps for all other layers separately, which have different parameter zones.

    Regarding the other two questions, you may represent open-pit mines by using inactive elements. Faults may be represented either by Discrete Feature (DF’s) or by a full discretization.