"data" does the same thing it does in other cases: it allows interpolation within an area, along a line, etc. The regionalization menu should appear when you select data.
mesh generation is generally more stable when you use super-elements in place of line elements
Possible explanations: ill posed model (grid or time stepping too large, odd shaped elements, etc), infiltration through fully saturated elements so relative K and saturation curves are not used much.
probably an error in format of the POW file
Set problem class to transient
In flow materials, set tool below mesh inspector to "T-list", then click in/outflow button. Click and hold "assign current distribution" and select "assign to new time levels". "load" your POW file. To see POW file format, read the "file_formats.pdf" downloadable from from FEFLOW web site or enter a few values and save what you enter to a file to see how FEFLOW writes the file.
I am not sure I understand your question. In reality, the inside of a well does not have a permeability. What you are modeling is the combination of the well bore and its surroundings, so you are modeling that combination with a bulk conductivity. The value you use depends on many things (mesh spacing, gradients, flow rates, model objectives, etc) and is often derived by calibration of the model.
Silverbrook: yes, using max error as the measure will focus model solver on areas with largest error.
I would edit an ascii version of the FEM which is documented in the file_formats.pdf. What I do is build an XL file that sets up and formats the POWER functions which can then be inserted into the FEM or build a program in C, FORTRAN, etc to do the same thing.
yes, but you have to do it in classic gui
I think you have to go into classic gui for this.