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Posted Wed, 18 Apr 2012 16:43:37 GMT by Hector Montenegro Feflow-Anwender
Hello outthere,

I am trying to import a SHP-file as a basis for a superelementmesh generation. Within the domain there are a couple of zones like islands within the domain. When I import the SHP (created under ARCGIS) I have the "isles" as superelements but they lie below one superelement which corresponds to the outer boundaries of the "domain". In this way I am not able to specify the superelement "domain minus isles". The domain-polygon generate in GIS is not imported into FF as it should. It seems like some kind of "fill-inner-holes-procedure" manipulates the domain polygon.

However TRIANGLE generates a quit reasonable mesh.

Later I want to carry out some PEST work and I need a reasonable superelementmesh.

Any hints on the import of SHP are warmly appreciated!

Posted Thu, 19 Apr 2012 12:47:39 GMT by Hector Montenegro Feflow-Anwender
Hello group,

a look at the manual FEFLOW Supermesh File Format (*.smh) - Version 5.4 reveals that the single superelements may not have any holes:

[i]Rules for polygonal superelements:

One polygonal superelement defines one polygon without any holes. The polygons are closed. The
endpoint of the polyline (that is identical with the startpoint) will not be stored and counted. For every
polygon border side a so called "midside node" will be stored to define curved and stretched border lines.
So in the geometry definition of a polygon the 1st, 3rd, 5th , ... node are polygon edge nodes and the
2nd, 4th, .. node are midside nodes. For polygonal superelements the number of nodes will always be even.[/i]

That is a pity! A subdivision of the polygon surrounding the "islands" might be a choice however this will introduce new element-edges- These might conflict with some line add-ins that must be considered in the course of mesh generation.

Posted Mon, 23 Apr 2012 14:29:31 GMT by Gianmarco Dio Egr. ing.
Hello Hector

It seems that feflow doesn't like the isles, even when you wonna use them to apply some element property to your model.
Try this way: split your polygon originally including the isles so that the latter will be no more surrounded by only one polygon. This should work.

good luck

Posted Mon, 23 Apr 2012 17:33:34 GMT by
mesh generation is generally more stable when you use super-elements in place of line elements

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