• Feflow Explorer

    Can you please tell me where I could find Feflow Explorer, under feflow 5.3
  • Tutorial-1D linear interpolation

    in the tutorial of Feflow , when we assign the boundary conditions for rivers, after downloading the rivers.lin, then I go to transfer to do the regionalization, the button 1 D linear interpolation along lines is not active, some one knows why??
  • exchange river/groundwater

    I am using Feflow to simulate the exchange between River and the groundwater in 3D ,but:

    - I don't have information about the thikness of the colmation layer,
    - How can I take into account the geometry of the river in my mesh
    - the river cross many slices , how feflow  compute the flux then?
    Any documentation/articles may help me !!!
  • Re: transfer rate

    Hi Giovanni,
    Can you explain your advices, I don't understand how I can do that,
    H_river is known but I think that H_aquifer is given by Feflow or I am wrong??
    Thank you.
  • Re: Heads above seepage face

    Hi kardan,
    I am working also on a regional model where I want to establish an infltration  over a surface and see how does this water infiltrates via the vadoze zone to the groundwater ,
    can you please help me to get the first steps since you have done this exercise.
    Any documentation/articles may help me.
  • Re: Budget Analyzer

    I am using Feflow to simulate the exchange between River and the groundwater in 3D ,but I have many problems:

    -I don't have information about the thikness of the colmation layer,
    - How can I take into account the geometry of the river in my mesh
    - the river cross many slices , how feflow  compute the flux then?
    Is there any documentation/articles that may help me !!!
    Thank you a lot.