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Posted Thu, 29 Jan 2009 08:53:45 GMT by Jaromír Svasta
Hi all,
I have a regional model with several unconfined layers, the top is phreatic, others unspecified. The recharge is specified via inflow at the top and there is seepage boundary specified all over the terrain surface.  The problem is that heads rise over the top slice very high, even though the seepage boundary should extract all the water. How is this possible? I have played with head constrains, permeabilities and other settings but with not much success. Also the convergence is often very poor. Any help?
Posted Tue, 01 Dec 2009 15:42:37 GMT by Sana
Hi kardan,
I am working also on a regional model where I want to establish an infltration  over a surface and see how does this water infiltrates via the vadoze zone to the groundwater ,
can you please help me to get the first steps since you have done this exercise.
Any documentation/articles may help me.
Posted Wed, 16 Dec 2009 19:03:04 GMT by mnovotny,393.0.html

may help.

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