Hello Ji,
this functionality is already available in FEFLOW 6.1. The smoothing operation will only shift the currently selected nodes and honor the original position of nodes which are not part of the current selection.
An effective workflow is to select all nodes along polygon borders/lines etc. which you would like to keep at their original position and then invert the selection before you start the smoothing operation.
In 'Control output' and 'Data display' you can define how often the data plot should be updated during the simulation. A negative value will only give you a display update once the simulation has finished.
In order to avoid time step restrictions where they are not necessary, a time step is only honored if the value at a certain time step is different from the value of the previous time step. In your example, the only steps that would have to be honored are days 366 and 380. From the screenshot that you have sent the time-steps curve looks OK to me. If you would like me to check the file in detail, please send it to support@dhi-wasy.de.
Yes, the automatic time-stepping scheme will always honor the steps specified in a time series.
The "constant steps" option is not available for time-varying material properties, only Akima or Polylined. If you want to use a "constant steps" type interpolation for material properties, you should set up a polylined time series that looks like a constant steps curve. For your example this would be:
Day Recharge
3804 0
3811.99 0
3812 287
3812.99 287
3813 0
The crashes are most probably related to the graphics card of your system. We haven't had any feedback on instabilities related to Windows 7 specifically, but most FEFLOW crashes in the 3D Layer Configurator were caused by graphics card problems. Could you please send us some details on which graphics card you are working with? Do you use different ones on your two systems?
Thanks, Julia
The tool "delete elements" only becomes active when you have selected elements. Currently, you have selected nodes and therefore the button is greyed out. If you select the two elements inside the indicated nodes you will be able to delete them.
If you would like to export data for selected nodes only, please use the context menu of the parameter in the View Components and not in the Data panel. There you can choose between an export of all nodes, of the current slice or of selected nodes only.
In both the Standard and the Classic user interface, velocities can currently only be exported for a single time step and not for the entire simulation time, but this definitely is a functionality that we should discuss for FEFLOW 6.1.
Hi James,
one possible explanation for missing density effects due to solute would be if you had defined the same value for both reference concentrations Co and Cs.
In this case, though, you shouldn't see any density effects in the mass transport model, either, so I am not sure whether this is the real reason for the behavior that you describe.
To identify the problem it would be great if you could send your thermohaline transport model to support@dhi-wasy.de so we can check all the settings in detail.
For the export, please make sure to select a file type that supports the format x, y, z, value. This can be an ASCII database (*.dat) format, a Dbase (*.dbf) format or an ESRI shape (*.shp) file. If you select a *.pnt or *.trp file format, only x, y and the value to be exported can be saved.